Waking up Tired

I woke up tired this morning. Not the kind of tired that can be fixed by going back to bed. It was the tired that comes from focusing on the cares of life…you know, the stuff that makes life hard sometimes. I drove my son to work and dropped him off. With…

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Dream Maker

Summers in Texas are hot. When the sun peeps over the tops of the oak trees, the temperature begins to climb. We step outside to begin our walk, and in spite of the pleasant breeze, we feel the warmth on our skin. It isn’t bad at first. Every once in…

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You are special!

When my son orders a Chick fil a chicken sandwich, he gets it without pickles. It comes out with a sticker like this one on the package.  This little sticker tells the customer that this chicken sandwich isn’t like all the others. There is something different about it. One time I kept the…

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