A Different Kind of Stupid

      Have you ever felt stupid? Ever been called by that name? Ever believed it? Well, I’m here to tell you it was a lie. That’s right – I know for sure it isn’t true. You see, God doesn’t make stupid. No, God makes people in His image and He is far from stupid.

      Stupid is a man-made thing; a concept derived by those who don’t understand the creative ability of our Heavenly Father or His economy. God’s way of doing things is far from the way we think of doing them. We tend to judge things by a man-made measure. We create tools to enable us to fit people neat and tidy into their places…things like intelligence tests and forms of scoring a person’s ability to succeed in life. But God doesn’t categorize His creation in such a way. He doesn’t test us to see where we fit in to a job or school or society, instead, He makes a plan for each one of us and then He creates us with the means to live it out – as we follow Him.

      There are no score cards to fill out, no puzzles to put together, no way of measuring our ability to accomplish that for which we were created – only a plan – His plan. He didn’t make one person stupid and another smart, He made each perfect. His economy is different than ours. What He values is not what we tend to value. He says less is more. We say less isn’t enough. He says it is exactly enough for what He has planned.

      We say that to be someone smart we need a certificate in a nice frame hanging on a wall for people to see, so they know how smart we are (and to remind ourselves). We take pride in telling people what university we graduated from and what our grade point average was. These things help us feel like we have worth and have accomplished important goals in life, and that’s not bad, it’s just not as relevant as we think.

      In God’s economy the least are the greatest, wisdom is greater than knowledge, and obedience is greater than accomplishment. I realize that saying such things is going to mess with some people. Especially those who have several framed certificates hanging in their dens. (Some people, like doctors, need certificates, but that’s not my point here) I don’t want to offend anyone, just clear up a misconception. The truth is, we cannot now or ever will we, have the ability to measure the worth of a human being created by the hand of God. No test will ever exist to determine the impact of one life lived for God’s purpose and for His glory.

      So if you’re someone whose life has been defined by some low test score back in the fourth grade or a rejection letter from a university, let not your heart be troubled. God has already made it possible for you to live the life and do the good works He planned for you. That “stupid” thing, it isn’t true, it doesn’t exist with God – man made it up.

“For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand

that we should walk in them.”

Ephesians 2:10

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