A Message of Actions

Your every action must be done with love.

I Corinthians 16:14


There’s so much violence and hatefulness in today’s world. You can hardly turn on the t.v. without seeing protests, murders, or rage. There’s an outrage for everything there seems. Everyone wants to voice their message and boy do they.

It leaves us with a decision to make… As Christians, we are called to share our message, but not how the world shares their message.

We can share our message with love and actions. Jesus always spoke truth, but he did it without acting like a maniac. If we’re trying to tell others what we believe, what good does it to be ugly or scream? Think about how you feel when you’re talked down to by someone sharing their beliefs or opinions. I definitely don’t hear their message if they’re name calling or have a nasty attitude. So we should evaluate how we share our message.

Being honest, solid, yet calm and loving will help others hear what you’re saying.

Most of the time, people are passionate about what they’re saying. Instead of using self-control, they allow their emotions to voice their message.  When that happens, people only hear the tone of the message, not the message. As Christ followers, we aren’t sharing our message, but the Father’s and He doesn’t need us acting like the world. We can allow the Spirit to speak through us as we share His message.

Love wins people over.

Kindness melts the hardhearted.

Forgiveness (or mercy) breaks chains.

If we really want to see others find mercy, hope, and healing, we should share that message with love and respect. We will be known for our love towards one another. Flowers don’t grow when someone yells at them, but when someone tends to them.

Father, we want to share Your message so others can be free, but help us to share it with respect. We don’t have to mimic the world’s actions. Help us to mimic Your Son and how he shared the good news. Help us to see everyone through Your eyes and let Your Spirit speak through us. May we never water down the truth or take away from it. Help us to be bold, yet loving and honest, yet respectful. We want to see others at peace with You in their lives. We want others to know the freedom that comes only from You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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