Answering the WHY questions!

My husband has just started a wonderful series of sermons at church entitled “The Basic Fundamental Beliefs”.  I love this! Because truly in today’s world, it isn’t enough to just believe but we must know WHY we believe..

I just came across a recent survey that found that 77% of Americans believe in Heaven, and 76% also say that their chances of going to heaven are good to excellent. Apparently, our job of evangelizing the world is nearly done since 8 out of 10 believe that they are headed for the streets of gold…right?

Wrong. First of all, we must continue to share God’s Word until ALL believe and secondly, this survey hasn’t even scratched the surface. I wonder what the percentage would have been if it went a little further, perhaps if the question was asked, “WHY do you believe that you will go to heaven?”

This is where the rubber really meets the road for most people. It is then, that people begin to stammer and fidget and search for an answer. Because most people want to believe in something, and most DO believe in something but they don’t know WHY they believe it.

In the case of believing that they will go to heaven, believers and non-believers alike, all have a sense that they are pretty good people and they will, in fact, make heaven their eternal home.

Doesn’t that sound familiar? No matter where people stand on their Christian values, it appears that there is always someone far worse off than them, someone who is badder and someone who has more sin.

But to God, sin is sin. When it comes to sin, there is no grey area. The Bible says that “We have ALL sinned and come short of the glory of God”. All of us? Yes, ALL of us. Unfortunately, some of us will be surprised who makes it to heaven and who doesn’t. The truth is, not everything is going to end up all good like the survey may lead us to believe.

This survey reminds me of the rich and beautiful people on the Titanic who were drinking and playing games with the chunks of iceberg while the ship was rapidly taking them to their deaths. I’m pretty sure that MORE than 77% of those people believed whole heartily that everything was going to be alright. But in reality, everything turned out to be very different than they expected. Jesus talks about this very thing in Matthew…

“Knowing the correct password–saying “Master, Master,’ for instance–isn’t going to get you anywhere with me. What is required is serious obedience–doing what my Father wills. I can see it now–at the Final Judgment thousands strutting up to me and saying, “Master, we preached the Message, we bashed the demons, our God-sponsored projects had everyone talking.’ And do you know what I am going to say? “You missed the boat. All you did was use me to make yourselves important. You don’t impress me one bit. You’re out of here.’ (Matthew 7:21-23- The Message)

Apparently there were lots of folks in His day who thought they were going to heaven as well. Jesus is plainly warning them that it is not a matter of religious works- but one of righteous faith.

Friend, it is not enough to think you may be headed in the right direction spiritually, it is imperative that you KNOW and not only that, that you know WHY. The ship is sinking for many people, and it is up to us to not just have faith but explain to those about to perish why we have faith, in hopes that they too, will be saved before it is too late.

So, I must ask, how would you answer that question today? “Are you going to heaven?” and “Why?”

Know what you believe and WHY!

2 thoughts on “Answering the WHY questions!

  1. Iris

    Amen, Laurie. I love what you said about religious work and righteous faith. It is all about our faith in Jesus that will help us dance in the street of gold, not our religious work…

    Yes, I will make it to heaven, but not through my work, but His accomplished work on the cross.