Are We Faithful?



Our lesson a few weeks ago in home school touched on the subject of faithfulness. We talked about what is to be faithful and how we can be faithful. We made a small list of things we are faithful with and a small list of things we aren’t so faithful with. It started a new saying among the boys which is cute, yet profound. Are you faithful to… fill in the blank. The funniest one would have to be: are you faithful to your teeth? So it triggered something in my little brain, are we a faithful people? What is faithfulness?

If we think of Joseph in the Bible and his life, I think we see a true example of being faithful. Sure, he got discouraged and questioned the Father’s will, but he always remained faithful to the Lord. He was faithful in the deepest, darkest place spiritually and physically while he was in prison. Can you imagine being in that cold, dark, depressing place? Physically, not many of us can relate to that, but what about spiritually? In your mind and in your spirit, can you relate to feeling hopeless? Boy, can I relate. There have been times that I felt so discouraged and so hopeless in my life. I have felt as though the Father has left me alone, to myself, to just be. Some of those times I looked back and saw His faithfulness, so I pressed on and did the task at hand. Other times it took me longer to press through and realize I had not been forgotten. It doesn’t help that the enemy whispers lies in our ears reminding us of our hopelessness and asking where is your God?

So what do we do? How do we stay faithful even when we see no hope in sight? We recall the faithfulness of the Father because He is the only One that will always be completely faithful to us. He will not go against His Word and His nature, which is to be faithful. Joseph kept on doing what he knew to do, which was to do his job good. He tended to whatever he was given and was always promoted. We can be faithful to our husbands, our children, our homes, and in any area of our life. We can choose to do whatever job is ours (or calling) right now and do it well. We can look back and see how the Father has always been faithful, in scripture and in our own lives. He will never leave you without hope, even if it seems like small hope. That’s all it takes. When we are faithful in the small things (which really aren’t small), then He will promote us. If we aren’t faithful in those things well, you won’t get promoted by the Father. He wishes for us to do our best and do it for His glory.

Life is never easy. Trials will always come, but may we can see trials as a stepping stone to something greater. If we’re on His side, there is nothing but great in the future, even if it takes a lot of pain to get there.

Father, thank You for being so faithful to us. Thank You for never leaving us even when the road looks so dark and we cannot find hope. May we always remember Your faithfulness to those before us and even in our lives. Help us to cling to what is good, YOU. Help us to let the small little ray of hope carry us until the trial is over. Empower us with Your strength and Your perseverance to keep pressing on. You know what the outcome will be and You see the whole picture. Help us to trust You and lean on You during times of sorrow. Thank You for being so merciful to us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

3 thoughts on “Are We Faithful?

  1. Marsha Harwood

    I love when you said, “So what do we do? How do we stay faithful even when we see no hope in sight? We recall the faithfulness of the Father because He is the only One that will always be completely faithful to us.” It reminded of Lamentations 3: 21-23 – “This I recall to my mind, Therefore I have hope. Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.”

    Thank you for this great reminder, Heather.