Being Still

As the weeks of this pregnancy have progressed, I’ve started to feel tiny baby movements. I wasn’t sure at first, but now I’m pretty sure the baby is what I’m feeling. Some days I realize it’s been a while since I’ve noticed feeling anything. I know at this point I won’t feel as much movement as when I’m further along. But I’ve noticed that when I’m busy I don’t notice them. I’m more likely to feel them when I’m still, sitting on the couch relaxing or at the table enjoying a meal.

As I’ve thought about this, I got to thinking how sometimes it is easy to be so busy and distracted that I miss hearing God. I miss out on blessings because I’m not paying attention. I miss out on being a blessing to others because I’m not listening for His voice. When I’m busy, I’m not going to be aware of what God is trying to show me and teach me.

How many times are you so busy that you don’t notice what God is trying to tell you? We are often so distracted that we don’t notice all the ways He is there each day. I think we often miss out because we are too busy and distracted with other things.

Sitting still and feeling the baby move has been a reminder to me that I need to be still more often before the Lord.

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.” Psalm 37:7

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