Is Your Burden Heavy?

Are you carrying around your burdens?  After a while, they can get very heavy.

I see little children every day at work carrying back backs.  Some have large back packs and some have much smaller back packs.  At first I thought the little children with the small back packs looked so cute.  But by the end of the day, with their lunch box and all of their supplies crammed inside …it really wasn’t very practical.

One of the moms told me that she just couldn’t bring herself to buy a big back pack for her little girl.  It just didn’t look cute to see her with it on her back.  The teachers tried to explain that it’s actually much easier for her daughter because she could have free hands.  Instead, she was juggling her lunch box and everything that wouldn’t fit inside her back pack.  So that pretty picture actually got quite clumsy.

As I pondered this, I realized there was a spiritual lesson in this.  We all have burdens in our lives this side of heaven.  But let me ask you:

Are you trying to juggle those burdens by yourself?  Where are you going for help?  Are you trying to do it all?

Think about these burdens:

  • Thinking about the injustice done to you by another
  • Trying to maintain the image of the perfect family
  • Being active in church ministry but neglecting your own family
  • Trying to home school but not doing a good job at it
  • A son or daughter who have rebelled
  • Financial stresses
  • Unemployment
  • Unforgiveness

The list could go on and on.  I’m sure you could add your own burdens.

But where do you go for relief from your burdens?  Do you carry them around in your small back pack so nobody will notice how heavy your load really is?  Or do you stuff them all in a large back pack and tell everyone of all your troubles?

I’ve found the Only Source of relief from my burdens is when I …run to the Lord.

His Word says in Matthew 11:28-30:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my  yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Blessings and love,

Heart Choices


8 thoughts on “Is Your Burden Heavy?

  1. Rachel @ finding joy

    Excellent truth. It’s amazing to think about what we carry around and how it slows us from running the race set out for us. I need to remember that I don’t need to carry that with me.

    Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Saleslady371

    You wrote this well, Debbie. This morning in my prayer time, I heard that I should be yoked to Jesus because His burden is light. Just had to tell you how you confirmed that through this today. I’m obeying!

  3. Nancy

    Debbie, Thank you for the reminder to always carry our burdens to the Lord….I have found that to take each as they occur keeps them from growing into much bigger issues….and keeps the backpack much lighter…..I am so glad He’s always available…..

    Hugs and blessings,

  4. felisol

    Dear Debbie,
    You would not think it could be true.
    You are the third of my close blog sisters I’m visiting today, and all three of you (Lidj, Sonja and you) have the same message for me in times of trials.
    Now I’m waiting for the light burden.
    From Felisol

  5. LaurieLaurie Adams

    Debbie, what a great imagery. Sometimes we stumble around with the load that we try to carry. I am thankful for His strong shoulders! -Blessings!

  6. Bethany

    You always have such great posts, Debbie! Thanks for sharing this and the reminder we don’t have to carry these burdens on our own.

  7. Iris

    Some days my burden are really heavy, even to the point that my body hurts to bad because I tense up. I have learned over the years to take a ‘time-out’, to refocus.

    Thank you for the reminder to take our heavy burdens to the One who can help us carry the load.