Getting caught up in the headlines

Every time I log on to the Internet I’m bombarded with news stories from all over the world. The headlines really grab my attention and pull me into the story and that’s exactly what they’re intended to do. Much of the time when I read the story however, it doesn’t live up to the headline from which I was pulled into it. As Shakespeare would say, it is “Much ado about nothing.”

It’s been the same with other headlines throughout the years: The crash of society promised by the Y2K scare, the prediction of the rapture of the church a few months ago (something that has been repeated many times before), and the end of the world foretold to be just around the corner…sometime this year – 2012.

It seems to be a part of our nature as human beings to want to know everything; even the future. The fact is, only God knows everything…including the future, and instead of following the headlines, He wants us to follow Him. His promises remain true no matter what the newspapers, Internet, or TV headlines say. He keeps us informed on a need-to-know basis, and He has given us his word to direct us. If indeed He sends a headline we are to follow, I am certain it will be found within the pages of the Bible and will lead in a direction opposite from where the world is heading.

In any case, we don’t need to be troubled about these things. Our Heavenly Father takes care of His children and provides for our every need. Let not our hearts be troubled, neither let us be afraid (John 14:27). If we keep our eyes on Him this brand new year, we won’t get caught up in the headlines.

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My word will by no means pass away. But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.” Matthew 24:35-36


4 thoughts on “Getting caught up in the headlines

  1. Iris

    It is so true, Charlotte; He knows our future and where we are heading. May I be content in that knowledge and don’t worry about tomorrow.

  2. Amy Alves

    Hi Charlotte, my favorite line in your post is, “instead of following the headlines, He wants us to follow Him”. We serve a God that is the same yesterday, today, and forever! Thanks, Amy