The central core of our being


One of the greatest things about apple slices is that no matter how you slice it, the apple core always remains. No matter if you cut it in half or in fourths, you cannot get around the core.

Just as the core is what keeps the apple intact, we also have a core that keeps us intact. Our heart is the central core of our being, or at least it should be. This is why it is imperative that we take good care of our heart. When we allow hurt, bitterness and offense to reside in our heart, it is easily diseased and bruised just like a rotten apple.

But when we allow God to be the central core of our heart, those damaged layers can be peeled away and it can prosper. Hezekiah gives us an example of what it is to have our heart as the core of our being…

“Thus Hezekiah did throughout all Judah, and he did what was good and right and true before the Lord his God. And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, in the law and in the commandment, to seek his God, he did it with all of his heart. So he prospered.” – 2 Chronicles 31:20-21

Hezekiah did all that he could do with ALL of his heart. Everything that he did, came from the core of his being, from his heart, and it was good, right and true before God. Hezekiah’s heart was not divided. Jesus said that a house divided against itself would not be able to stand. (Mark 3:25) He was speaking of the central core of the house, or the heart. If our core/heart is divided, it WILL NOT prosper.

Many of us try to fill our heart with many things. We look for love, joy and satisfaction in alot of different fashions. But the truth is, when God is the main heartbeat of our heart, living for Him will become our central core. Our hearts will become like Hezekiah’s, our central core will not be divided or diseased, instead, we will work wholeheartedly for the Lord, striving to do what is good, right and true.

How is your core looking today? Battered and bruised or strong and steady? Ask God today to become the core of your heart so that  your house will not be divided but be prosperous!

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