Our Journey of Change: Be Still

It’s hard to believe it has been a year since Jim and I heeded to the Lord’s leading to leave Arizona after 20 years of ministry in three churches, the last being 12 years in Phoenix, Arizona.

When Jim and left Arizona in our old RV May of 2009 for a six weeks’ vacation to visit my mother in Pennsylvania; we both were looking forward to a time of renewal, refreshment, and revival of our bodies and spirits. Little did we know that in just a few short weeks our lives would never be the same.

For some reason beyond my comprehension, the Lord has led us on various journeys over the years most people find ridiculous and foolish. This past year being right on the top of the list of foolishness too! When we share our journey with others, for the most part we hear, “You did what?!” “You’re crazy!” “Better you than me!” Why would people say these things concerning our latest journey? The next several “Journey” posts will explain. I will share how God has provided for us this past year, as well as assist us in our adjustment to our “Journey of Change”.

Let us see what Webster’s Dictionary has to say concerning the meaning of change:
: to make different in some particular way
: to make radically different
: to give a different position, course, or direction to
: to replace with another
: to make a shift from one to another
: to undergo a modification of
: to pass from one phase to another

I love the second definition for change; “to make radically different.” I can certainly say that our lives have been made radically different this past year!

The number one remark or question we have received concerning our “journey of change” this past year has been: “How do you know it was the Lord’s will or leading?”

Psalm 37:7 tells us; “Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes.” (NLT)

For several years prior to our vacation and move, Jim and I waited patiently in the Lord’s presence for Him to show us what He desires for us to do next in our ministry and lives. Each year we received the same answer – “Be still”. During our vacation Jim and I agreed that we would not watch TV or pass our time away with “busyness”; that whenever we were not with mom we would spend our time “being still” in His presence waiting patiently for Him to act. We took this time to pray, read His Word, talk and share our hearts with one another. It was during this time that the Lord revealed His will for our lives and the “changes” that would come about in full fruition the coming years.

It was during our vacation last year that we realized that God was working in our hearts and lives the past few years for such a time as this. We were not prepared the preceding years for what the Lord desires us to do… to give up…to relinquish our wills as well as worldly possessions in our lives. We had to ask ourselves the question; “Are we ready for what the Lord requires from us now?” “Are we ready for the next step in “Our Journey of Change”?

Stay tuned as I continue to share “Our Journey” on my blog.

11 thoughts on “Our Journey of Change: Be Still

  1. Beth

    Michele, I can’t imagine uprooting and moving like you did. Of course I can understand how we must obey the leading of God’s Spirit.

    I can’t wait to hear what He has planned for you!


  2. Barbara

    Keeping you in prayer, yes being in the Lord’s service is tough at times, but he is such a wonderful rewarder of faithfulness, bless you in your move, and know God will keep you happy where ever he sends you.

  3. JoanJoan

    When we follow God’s leading we are always blessed! I’m looking forward to hearing more about your journey…

    Living for Him, Joan

  4. jo.attalife

    This resonates with me because I’m also in the process of being still right now. Part of me wants to be up and moving, but God’s impression on me is strong. Thanks for sharing this as it helps me a lot in my own journey. God bless you on your move!

  5. LaurieLAURIE

    I was just reading about Abraham and how God asked him to leave his country, his family and his home and follow Him to an unknown place. Leaving our comfort zone is never easy, but like Abraham, when we trust God to lead us to higher ground, it is always worth the road we travel!

  6. Iris

    Sometimes it is so hard to be still before the Lord and wait. I am ready for change in life, however, I think the Lord is not, so I am waiting.

    Thank you so much for sharing from your heart.

  7. Karen

    Michele…I have followed along on your personal blog with this journey…your family’s strength and obedience have always inspired me…can’t wait to read what else you share….

  8. Bp

    Like the others have said, waiting is hard. God has been surprising me as we are waiting on Him! I shouldn’t be surprised because I know His plan is perfect. It is exciting to see what He has planned.

  9. Debbie

    This is the third time I’ve come to read your post and wanted to leave a comment. I would get interrupted every time. Hmm …maybe I needed to read it three times?

    It’s so hard when you’re waiting and praying and asking for God’s will. And then when you move ahead in obedience there are always those well intentioned people who will always question what you’re doing. I admire you Michele, for stepping out in faith. I’m sure there are still many adjustments and it’s not always smooth sailing but I’m sure you are a comfort to your mom. And I remember you writing that your husband likes what he’s doing.

    Blessings and love,

  10. Donna Brown

    Michele-I appreciate your post on Being Still. Often times this is very difficult for me-or I should say that I can be still, but sometimes I get impatient waiting for the Lord. Like you, our family embarked on a life changing experience 3 years ago when my husband laid down his job and we moved back to my hometown to take care of my ailing family. We have had to wait for the Lord to work things out for us, but He has. We are doing things that we might not have decided to do in our own will. We have been blessed and the Lord has been faithful. God is good. In our waiting we can find this out.
    Blessings to you and your family.