Were You There?

My children’s bible had three pictures in it. One was of the crucifixion, and, I confess, it mesmerized me, so I flipped to it often and stared long and hard. Baffled, I would wonder,
do that?!

Crucify someone?

Who could inflict such gruesome torture? What’s worse, it looked pre-meditated, which made me wonder something else entirely:
do that?!

Be crucified?
When He could have called ten thousand angels?

I graduated from my children’s bible never knowing what to do with that troublesome image. At least I didn’t have to look at it anymore. That is, until Easter week rolls around each year, when I grapple with these questions again, the little girl with inadequate answers, again and still.

The cross makes me squirm.

I never know what to do in the days leading to it. Living ordinary days seems all wrong. I attempt to observe, acknowledge what unspeakable singular thing Jesus did on that cross, but all I see and know is that I’m injured beyond recognition by my hideous sin and gross need. I am undeserving.

Every feeble attempt at a response feels unworthy, as it should I suppose. I am undone, at a loss for word or deed. My inhibitions are stripped away by the shocking spectacle, and I do the unthinkable. I draw near to the bloody cross with the beaten Man unrecognizable as God. It’s all so ugly and beautiful.

Not knowing what else to do, I fall flat before Him, rendered righteous by holy.

6 thoughts on “Were You There?

  1. Sandra Heska King

    Totally incomprehensible what pain we are capable of inflicting.

    Totally incomprehensible what pain He was/is willing to endure. All out of love.

    Nothing left to do but fall flat before that cross.

  2. Sylvia R

    Such right and fitting reaction. So good to be able to be quiet, to be IN enough quiet to be affected and fall flat before that cross.
    A slow down, quiet down week for me, too. And you show me why. Thank you.

  3. Dawn

    For me, Sylvia, this slow down is almost an instinctive reaction to so much utter holiness on display. Thank you for joining me today.

    Thanks for stopping by, Sandra. You always bless me.

  4. LaurieLaurie Adams

    Wonderful post Dawn as we enter the Easter weekend. It is beyond me how anyone can see the pictures or hear the words of such cruelty and not be turned towards the cross. Praying that many souls will be won this weekend all across the nation. 🙂