Dream Maker

Summers in Texas are hot. When the sun peeps over the tops of the oak trees, the temperature begins to climb. We step outside to begin our walk, and in spite of the pleasant breeze, we feel the warmth on our skin. It isn’t bad at first. Every once in while a cloud shields us from the glaring sun. We walk through the sub-division once, then begin the circuit a second time.

The second time is always more difficult. The sun is higher in the sky. The sweat begins to run down the sides of my face. That familiar ache in my leg makes its appearance. It is so tempting to quit as we walk right by our driveway. It would be so easy to turn in and head for the air conditioned house. But I want to finish well. I keep walking, and the next time I come to our driveway I walk into the shade of the little oak and let the breeze wash over me. It wouldn’t have felt half so good if I hadn’t finished the walk.

Has God ever placed a dream in your heart? Was it something you hardly dared imagine you could do? But you began, and it was wonderful. There was a fresh wind of the Spirit and a clear path up ahead. All seemed so right.

Then it happened. Everything that could go wrong did, and you wondered why you ever thought you could do this thing. It would be so easy to set the dream aside; to acknowledge that, really, it was too much -to let the dream die.

And truthfully, it was too much for you because it was never meant for you to do alone. The One who placed the dream in your heart, the One who promised to never leave you and said He could do anything – He’s the One who will help you make the dream come true. In His way; in His time.

Hold on to the dream, and hold tight to the One who tucked it into your heart. It may look a bit different than you imagined. That’s okay. His ways are best, and they are always good.



2014-07-03 11.07.48


3 thoughts on “Dream Maker

  1. Marsha Harwood

    Thanks so much, Linda. I needed this today. I’m struggling with keeping my dream alive, the dream of achieving a healthy weight. It’s been my main focus and battle for the past several years. When I slipped up this past year I’ve allowed myself to lose heart and focus. Thanks for your encouraging words. I’m gonna hold on. Press on.

  2. Heather Strickland

    I love how God uses you ladies to minister to me! I have been walking through a dream this month of writing an ebook. It is something I never thought I could do. It got really hard while writing with circumstances arising, but God pushed me threw. It has been beautufyl! Thank you for your words!

  3. Iris

    So true, Linda. He is the dream maker, so let us hold on to Him to see our dreams fulfilled. Thank you for the gentle reminder to trust Him with and in all.