Empty Things


      It was a day of filling things up – empty things. The sugar bowl was empty when I found it with my black coffee. The sugar canister, the second place I looked, was empty too. The day required me to problem solve before I had my first cup of coffee! I filled every sugar container to the brim, added some to my cup and drank the lukewarm liquid.

      Dishes waited on the counter to be washed (they are always waiting); signs of boys raiding the kitchen after dinner last night. No soap in the dispenser! Empty! No washing until filling, no filling until finding. Where is the soap? Rummaging through half empty bottles under the sink, I find the dish soap and fill the dispenser – washing can begin.

      There are days I feel like an empty dispenser, nothing more to give, all gone. There can be no filling until finding, finding Him – the only One who fills the emptied. Filling and washing, God does both. It is when I am empty, completely empty, that He pours the best inside. Not from a half empty bottle, but from Himself. Like the waiting dishes, He waits; waits for me to empty out of myself so He can fill me with something better – His Spirit. When I am trying to live on empty, in my own strength, it doesn’t take long to become weary, tired, stressed, and feeling like old dry bones. But when He fills me, I have power that is not my own…power to love, have joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal. 5:22-23).

      I don’t like finding things empty, especially the sugar bowl when I need my coffee. But God is different, He wants me to start every day emptied out (of myself), not so I can walk around empty, but so He can fill me with those good and perfect things from His Spirit. Things I can’t accomplish in my own strength.

“Being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.” Philippians 1:11

Are you in need of filling today?



3 thoughts on “Empty Things

  1. Iris

    What a beautiful reminder, Charlotte to empty ourselves so that He can fill us every single day. Yes, I am tired in the morning, but I always look forward to my devotional time so that I can be filled by Him and His Word.