Even if?

During our Wednesday night family lesson time we have been studying from the Old Testament book of Daniel. I love the characters and stories we read from this book.

There is so much I love about the story of the three friends who are thrown into the fire. You can read the story in Daniel 3. Basically King Nebuchadnezzar tells the people they must bow down to worship the statue when they hear the music playing. Well the music plays and three guys Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego won’t bow down. They are questioned by the king. I just love their response….Daniel 3:16-18–

“Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, ‘King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter.  If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand.  But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.’ ”

When we read this in our family lesson, the two words “even if” struck me. The three men knew God could rescue them from the fire, but I guess they knew also that He might choose not to do so.  They knew they might be thrown in and burn up and that was okay with them; they still were not going to bow down to worship this statue.  Even if that happened, they were still only going to worship God.

Do you ever try to imagine what you’d do in such a situation?  We can’t really say for sure what we’d do since we haven’t been in their shoes.

We may not be about to thrown into the fire, but we may face our own “even if” moment. What will your response be in theses situations?  Will you continue to worship and praise God as the three Hebrew boys did, even if His answer is different from what you hope it to be?

Even if there is more month left at the end the paycheck, will you continue to praise Him?
Even if you get a negative diagnosis at your routine doctor check up, will you still love Him?
Even if you are never able to have a baby, will you praise Him anyway?
Even if your spouse leaves you alone with mouths to feed and no way to feed them, will you worship Him daily?
Even if a storm comes and destroys all your worldly possessions, will you be able to glorify the Lord?

Even if _________?  How would you fill in the blank?

When we are faced with difficult situations, we have a choice if we will praise God or not. Remember the example of the three boys who long ago believed God was with them and were going to praise and serve Him no matter what.

Have a day of blessings!

3 thoughts on “Even if?

  1. Libby

    Bethany, thank you for these thoughts this morning. I have been in a time of waiting for several months and now believe God is leading me to take a step out in faith. My main concern has been not wanting to get ahead of God, and now that I believe this is of Him, I have been concerned with the response I might get in doing so. You have reminded me that the “even if” requires me to do what God is leading me to do, leaving the results to Him. My job is to be faithful. Thank you!

  2. Heather @ Becoming Titus 2 Women

    Thank you for encouraging us,Bethany! This is so true and yet so hard at times. I remember going through periods where it was hard and I did not feel like praising God. Sometimes I did it anyways and others time sadly I did not. I am learning though. Blessings to you!