
I read this recently in a devotion that came across my computer from Rick Warren. It was so powerful I have felt led for weeks to share it here with all of you today. I pray it brings truth and freedom into your lives this very hour. Hugs, Lynn

We set expectations for what our lives should look like and then stress out when we aren’t as successful as we think we should be …

Have you ever had a big build-up for an event that you thought would make you happy only to be let down? The anticipation of Christmas is always better than the actual day. It finally gets here and you go, “That’s it? It’s over? No more presents?”

The gap between expectation and reality happens in relationships too. So many marriage problems exist because the husband or wife thought marriage would solve all their personal problems and their spouse would meet all their needs. All that does is set them up for massive disappointment. No spouse can meet all your needs; only God can do that.

Because sin entered the world, there is emotional distress and disappointment with other people and with ourselves too. We set expectations for what our lives should look like and then stress out when we aren’t as successful as we think we should be, or our bodies don’t look as good as we want them to, or we still struggle with bad habits or addictions that we know we should have overcome by now.

Now that doesn’t mean we should stop striving for Christlikeness; it just means we need to adjust our expectations. This world we live in is not heaven. It is not perfect, and it never will be. We are not perfect, and we never will be while we’re alive on this earth. So give yourself and everyone around you a break, and remember to thank God for his grace in this broken world.


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