The God of Details

Abraham breathed his last and died in a ripe old age, an old man and satisfied with life; and he was gathered to his people. Gen 25:8

Abraham was a man satisfied with life when he breathed his last breath. One thing God has been showing me a lot lately is that he is the GOD OF DETAILS. We come to God during periods of sickness, financial crisis, or friends in need but how many of us come to God with our everyday details?

One legacy my Mom has passed down was when entering a crowded parking lot we always heard her praying out loud that God would open up a parking space. As a kid I remember more times than not that he did open up a space! Today I find myself doing the same thing.

When you are trying to schedule your week and don’t know how things are all going to work, do you pray that God will take over your schedule and work out the details? Or what if the babysitter calls to cancel at the last minute, do you stop to pray that God will help you?

Because God has made it evident lately that he is a GOD OF DETAILS, when something unexpected occurs I look up and say, “Well you are a God of details how do I proceed?” And I have learned God’s way is so much better. Recently I was planning a trip and in my mind I had a vision of how things needed to be, it was not until God changed all the plans that I was able to step back and see that He had my best interest in mind and his plan was much better.

Relying on God for the big events in our life often comes easy because we KNOW it is out of our hands, but depending on God for the small details of everyday life (you know the things we THINK we can handle) comes with practice. And the more we practice relying on God we then become like Abraham “satisfied with life.”

Heavenly Father, may I rely on you for ALL things. From sickness all the way to finding a parking spot, may I look to you Lord. Amen

9 thoughts on “The God of Details

  1. Iris

    Oh, how true, Lori. I do find myself praying for every day things. Knowing that God cares for even the smallest detail, give me comfort.

  2. Cherie Hill

    Lori, what an awesome post . . . GREAT reminder. We tend to believe that some of our prayers are just too “small” for God. (details) What we forget is that EVERYTHING is small to God! haha. So funny, I also use the “parking space” thing with my kids. The awesome thing is . . . I REALLY believe it and my kids know I do. LOL. God holds EVERY detail of our lives in the palm of His hands, nothing is beyond His control. That brings me ALOT of peace.
    Blessings sister,

  3. Andie

    This is such an important post because by keeping God in the details of our lives, we are keeping him with us all day, throughout our day. Our relationship with him isn’t limited to our ‘prayer time’ or ‘worship time’, he is with us at every moment, in the big stuff and the little stuff.

  4. Loni

    It’s interesting as we read the same verses, things that stick out in our mind. I’m attempting to read through the Bible again (tho behind, but still progressing) and reading through numerous verses that said at the time of death they were “gathered to his people”. I’ve loved that – thinking of family being so important – at birth and at death – which so closely link.

    Yes . . . satisfied with life . . . that will ring through my heart today.

    Thank you for sharing!

  5. Irene Olumese

    So true!!! He has my best interest at heart and His plan is always better. Every time I let God turn my plans around and take over the details of my life, it has always turned out better than I could ever imagine even when the process is painful. Thank you for this enriching piece. The God of details is concerned about everything that concerns us.