Flower seeds, a note, and my son.

My heart is grieved today. A thoughtful gift from my son has brought me a bit of pain. My eight-year-old received a packet of flower seeds at school recently. He carried them home for me in his backpack. My precious little boy thought long and hard about where he could put them. He wanted me to be surprised. He was so excited, he knew he had to place them somewhere I would find them almost immediately.

“Mom, have you been on your computer yet today?” he asked. “No honey. I haven’t.” My laptop was where I’d last left it, by the side of my bed. “Mom, I think you need to open it up.” Samuel smiled, barely able to contain himself.

Walking over, I opened my shiny red laptop to discover the treasure inside. Lying on my keyboard my son had placed his prized package of flower seeds. His gift to me.

I hugged him tight and told him how much I loved morning glories. I told him I couldn’t wait to plant them, and hoped he’d help me. He just smiled and nodded enthusiastically. All the while my heart was hurting.

You see, I couldn’t help but think of something I’d heard author Elizabeth George say many years ago. “Where would someone leave a note for you, if they wanted to make sure you would get it?” She went on to ask, “Would it be by your telephone, or your computer? How about on your TV? Or could it be possible they would leave your note on your Bible?”

I couldn’t help but think of my own mother while growing up. As a child I knew exactly where I would have left my note to her…on her telephone. She was on her phone constantly. Making it very clear to my little girl heart that her friends came first. What I would have given to have her hang up the phone with her girlfriends and spend an afternoon talking with me.

I’ve been reminded today, I have only been given so much time. My family shouldn’t take every waking moment of that time, but should know they are ranked first on my to-do list.

I want to discover my next sweet gift pinned gently to the heart of my children.


“Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.” James 4:14

Make sure to stop on over and visit Joanne at Blessed…

6 thoughts on “Flower seeds, a note, and my son.

  1. LaurieLAURIE

    Joanne, WOW what a powerful word today. Thank you for reminding us that the things that we spend the most time with is not only shaping us but shaping our little eyes watching us. -Blessings.

  2. BP

    This is such a powerful message. Thank you for sharing it today. Those little ones are watching how we spend our time.

  3. LindaLinda

    This is such a moving post. I’ve been stuggling for a long time with priorities and just where blogging fits into my life. This was a wonderful way to remind me to put the things that really matter first.

  4. Sharon A. Kyser

    Wow! what a lovely post. I would leave my Momma notes, flowers & gifts in her kitchen. That is where she showed her love for us. My Grand duaghters leave notes on my beading table but sad to say (how thought provoking) they would not think to leave it in or on my Bible. That does not say well with my priorities, does it?
    I will have to ponder this post and make some changes…sharon

  5. Heather CHeatherC

    Oh – OUCH! Joanne, you hit me square between the eyes on that one. I think the computer, the phone or even the TV might have been the first place for my kids too. I know they see me reading my Bible, but they see me MORE at the computer or like your mother, on the phone. What a timely reminder for me. Thanks! (P.S. My spam word is “forgiven” – might be something else to remember today!)