God Always Answer

A friend called me recently with some bad news.  She tried to sound upbeat but I could tell she was feeling discouraged.  She was questioning why she had to face this particular situation and how it was going to work out in the end.

We’ve all felt it at different time in our lives. The weight of discouragement. The times when our expectations of our God seems to be unfounded. We expect Him to show up and it seems as if He doesn’t.  We plan the way our prayers should be answered and He goes in a totally different direction. It becomes almost a source of anxiety because we can’t predict what He’s going to do especially when we put Him on a deadline.

11 I will remember the things the Lord has done. Yes, I will remember the powerful works of long ago. 12 I will think of all Your work, and keep in mind all the great things You have done. 13 O God, Your way is holy. What god is great like our God?Psalm 77:11-13 (NLV)

My friend and I talked for a bit and we discussed the above verses in Psalm one of our go to books when facing certain situations.  We reminisced about some of the things that God had done in the past and ways He had come through when situations seemed impossible. It wasn’t always the way we thought He would but He always came through. At the end of the conversation both of us were encouraged to believe that God would work it out for her good.

If we allow ourselves we can get totally caught up in what we are going through and take our eyes off the one who is with us through it all. However, we should always remember that when we call upon the Lord our God, He always answers.

In the day of my trouble I will call upon You,
For You will answer me. Psalm 86:7(NKJV)

Life happens, we get discouraged, we question why but we must never give up. God is always with us. Sometime a little reminded of our past victories and answered prayers are just the encouragement we need. These reminders of God’s presence in past calamities in our lives can help us to face our present trials and tribulations knowing that we can always trust Him to answer when we call.

4 thoughts on “God Always Answer

  1. Iris

    Thank you for the powerful reminder that we can trust our God.

    I really needed to read this. Life is a journey, but we do have the best Guide there is.

  2. Sherri EvansSherri Evans

    Great post. It’s a blessing to have friends on the journey to hold us accountable and to encourage each other along the way.

  3. saleslady371

    That’s what David did in the Psalms, he recalled the Lord’s goodness and favor of the past. This is excellent advice. Thank you for reminding me.
