Groundhog Day

Happy Groundhog day!

If you aren’t familiar with it, Groundhog Day is a “holiday” where we watch to see if a groundhog sees his shadow when he emerges from his burrow.  If he sees it, folklore has it that we will have to endure winter for 6 more weeks!  If the little guy doesn’t notice his shadow, then we can expect an early spring.  I know….. it sounds silly. But, alas, for those of us up to our eyeballs in snow and ice, it’s a fun distraction.

You may have seen the movie “Groundhog Day” with Bill Murray.  Bill plays a grumpy, self-centered TV weatherman who has to cover this silly event every year in Punxsutawney.  Well, he reluctantly does the story on the “star” groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, and is mean to anyone and everyone in his path.  When a snowstorm strands the news crew in town overnight, Bill finds himself reliving Groundhog Day over and over again.  After weeks of waking up February 2nd to the day and town he HATES, he decides to use the time to make himself better.  We watch as he is transformed from this selfish, mean man into a kind, caring person who tries to use the “do-over” day to help the people of this little town.  He becomes a “changed man”, really loving others, not just for his own selfish gain, but because he genuinely cares for them.  And, you guessed it, he gets the girl, and wakes up to find it February 3rd.

It reminds me of how stubborn I can be….refusing to leave my selfish ways.  Sometimes, I feel like I am stuck in my own “Groundhog Day”, going around that same mountain!

But, I can celebrate that God will not leave me STUCK in that same old grumpy, self-centered mindset!  No, He is transforming me little by little….from “glory to glory”.  I can rejoice that “He who has begun a good work in me WILL carry it on to completion.” (Philippians 1:6)  As Max Lucado says, “God loves me just the way I am, but loves me too much to leave me that way.”  He wants me to reflect the image of Christ… all that I do….all that I say….all that I think…..all that I am.  And, He will give me plenty of “do-overs”- opportunities to get it right!

“And all of us, as with unveiled face, because we continued to behold in the Word of God as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transformed into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord (Who is ) the Spirit.” 2Corinthians 3:18 AMP

“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2Corinthians 3:18 NIV

Father God, thank You for Your patience with me.  Thank You that You forgive my selfishness and me-centered attitude.  Thank You, though, that You do not leave me that way, but that You transform me into the very image of Your Son, Jesus Christ.  Thank You that it is a process of “glory to glory.”  Help me to be patient with myself as You continue to do this good work in me.  I love You, Lord.  In Jesus’ Name I pray.  Amen.

Please visit me at my personal blog:

where we can share our own personal “Groundhog Day” stories!  Oh how I hope Phil didn’t see his shadow!

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7 thoughts on “Groundhog Day

  1. eph2810

    I too am glad that He is patient and chances me little-by-little, day-by-day become the woman He I can be.

    Thank you for the words of wisdom this morning.

  2. debbie

    This was a great devotional and so true. Some things for me have definitely been done over and over and over again. So glad the Lord is patient. I loved this movie btw, so cute. Great anaolgy for our lives. Have a wonderful day, thanks for sharing this. Blessings, Debbie

  3. LaurieLAURIE

    Beautiful thoughts Tracy. I also shared today on my personal blog about Groundhog day…may we always look to Him for our direction and not a furball named Phil. He holds our future in His hands. -blessings, Laurie

  4. polly

    May I use your Feb 2 Ground Hog Day devotion as part of my newsletter article for my church?