
“From the ends of the earth I call to you,

I call as my heart grows faint;

lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Ps. 61:2 (NIV)

Can we just be real for a moment?  Life does not always come to us in bite-size chunks.  Often, life throws things our way that are hard to manage.  Circumstances we would choose to avoid, if given the opportunity.  Obstacles that we would prefer to be delivered from, rather than made to walk through.  And yet, there it is!  There is nothing we can do but walk through.

As we do life together, we are constantly being touched by situations that seem hopeless.  Cancer, family discord, addiction, financial problems, death…all of these make us feel helpless to change our situation or help others get through.

I am so thankful that when my heart is overwhelmed, I can cry out to the One who is bigger.  The One that is higher.  The One that loves me infinitely and can see me through anything.

We like to play the “Rar” game at our house.  We hide in a doorway and as someone unsuspecting comes by, we yell “Rar!”  (think lion).  Usually when that happens, our youngest will tear off running and find a hiding spot to get away from “the scary thing.”  He loves to play the game, until he is genuinely scared. 

Little children instinctively know to hide in danger.  As adults we repeatedly have to face our fears head on, but always inside,  is that child that wants to hide- that wants to escape and be comforted.

Sometimes grownup life becomes too much to handle.  But rather than grab the keys and drive away into the sunset, we find a more appropriate hiding spot. His Name is Jesus.

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”  Ps. 56:3

I am so thankful that we can find refuge in the sheltering of His wings. We can find safety in the cleft of the Rock.  He is our Rock.  Our fortress.  Our stronghold and our high tower.  He is bigger than anything we face and He welcomes us to hide our face in the folds of His garments,  when we are afraid.

Dear Lord,  I pray today for those who are fearful, who have come to the end of themselves and do not know what to do.  I ask that they will find safety and protection under the covering of your wings. That they will feel your comfort and strength and that all fear will flee.  Thank you Lord, for your divine provision.  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen. 

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