Hold Fast

Joshua 23 8“But you are to hold fast to the Lord your God, as you have until now.” Joshua 23:8

When I saw this picture it reminded me of this scripture to hold fast to the Lord. Look closely to the little fingers of this precious child. Do you see what I first noticed? This child is holding on to that finger so tightly that her own finger tips are turning white! This baby does not want to let go of the one who is holding her. It’s as though that baby is saying, “You will have to pry my fingers loose because I am not going to let go!”

What a beautiful picture of how we are to “hold fast” to our Lord! Too many times I find myself barely holding on to the Lord. As though only one finger is barely hooked to one of the Lord’s fingers. Too many times when things go wrong in our lives we ask the Lord why He left us; or where did he go? The answer is clear; it was never the Lord who let go. For He promises to never leave us nor forsake us. No, for me I have found that in those moments it’s me who let go of Him. When things were going so well I started to think I didn’t need the Lord as much to help me along my journey. I would gradually loosen the grip I had on the Lord’s hand and thought to myself, “I’m doing pretty well – I don’t need the Lord’s guidance as much I did before. I’m a big girl now – I can do this all by myself.”

What foolish thoughts!

Dear Heavenly Father, when I start to lose my grip on Your mighty hand may You remind me of this precious picture that I am to always “hold fast” to You. It is in Your mighty power and strength that I can do anything and all things, not mine. Thank you gracious Father that You are my refuge and ever present help. In Jesus precious name, Amen.

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