If It’s Possible…..

Illustrated Wall Art by Mandipidy

If I’m honest, I have to admit it. It’s not easy to always live at peace with everyone. People can be foolish, angry, bossy, hostile, offensive, stuck-up, needy. Some people push our buttons. Sometimes it’s deliberate. Other times it’s unintentional. 

The  to-do list of behavioral mandates the Apostle Paul gives us in Romans 12 seems daunting:

v. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind
v. 14 Bless those who persecute you;
v. 19 Do not take revenge
v. 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.


But tucked within these verses is a beautiful sentence that qualifies the rest.


If it is possible,

as far as it depends on you,

live at peace with everyone.

Romans 12:18


“If it is possible” – Truth is there are times that it is simply not possible to live peaceably with a particular person. They refuse any attempt at harmony despite our best efforts. Some people prefer to harbor their anger or to rigidly remain in their own personal sense of rightness. Some have even caused great damage, and we need to keep our distance. But that’s not always the case. Often we may be so engrossed in our own opinions, we don’t see the possibilities. If it IS possible:


“As far as it depends on you,” – Do whatever YOU can do to set the relationship on a positive note. We are not responsible for anyone else’s behavior, but we are responsible for our own. We can’t control another’s ACTions but we can control our REactions. Our responses can escalate a situation or can calm it down. We always have a choice. And should we should make a wrong choice, we have an opportunity to rectify the situation. It takes two people to keep an argument going. If I choose to apologize for my part in the conflict, the argument ends. I may not change the other person to my way of thinking, but I can choose to leave that in the able hands of the Holy Spirit who can change the heart of a king. More importantly, He can change me into a grace-giver.


“Live at peace with everyone.” – Everyone includes, well, everyone. Not just those I agree with, those I enjoy, those who are charming or witty or sensitive, those who are easy to live at peace with. We are mandated to live at peace with everyone. Peace isn’t a warm cozy feeling. Peace is the presence of Jesus. He Himself is our peace.

Is there someone in your life causing you pain? Think of this – that person is giving you an opportunity to develop Christ-likeness that you would not have otherwise. Christ died for us while we were still sinners, long before we ever repented or asked for forgiveness. He died for those still screaming, “Crucify him!” and while dying, He prayed “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” But they did know what they were doing, didn’t they? They were calling for His death. What they did not know was WHO they were doing it to, and WHAT His death would accomplish for them. So if we can see the offensive person as He does, and forgive them as He did, we will be freed from the bondage of resentment and bitterness and will become a little more like Jesus.


As we enter into this Christmas season, it’s likely we’ll be in situations – family, work, social – that are ripe for conflict. So my friends, if it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 






7 thoughts on “If It’s Possible…..

  1. marygems

    I am so glad that you write about this as it is something many of us grapple with, as we all have someone who refuses to live peaceably with us. i have come to the conclusion that I am only responsible for my actions and not their RE actions.

    1. SusanSusan

      Terri, I know – at least for myself – I can get so frustrated, so this is a lesson I have to learn over and over again.

  2. Iris

    I love that you said: “Peace is the presence of Jesus. He Himself is our peace.”

    Thank you so much for the reminder that we should always start with us if we are in conflict with someone.