…and immediately!

Acts 9:19  Now for several days he was with the disciples who were at Damascus, 20 and immediately he began to proclaim Jesus in the synagogues, saying, “He is the Son of God.”

When it comes to doing ministry, Paul was not intimidated by others. Instead of feeling unworthy to do ministry, he plunged right into it. (Notice in the above verse the words “and immediately”) There was no hesitation.

Not only was there no hesitation but Paul also did not let his past hold him back. So many times we allow our past to keep us from doing ministry, but not Paul. He followed God’s call, despite his past, and despite what anyone thought about it.

Whenever we are led by the Lord into some kind of ministry, there’s often an attack that comes along that says, “you can’t do it” or “you shouldn’t do it” and of course “you’re not worthy.” The  enemy does not want us to do God’s will and does not want lives to be changed as a result. This is a good ploy of his to stop ministry before it can even start.

But, just like Paul, God wants to take each of us, with all of our past failures and successes, with all of our limitations, and involve us in His work. I believe there’s a joy that comes from doing the will of our Father, a joy that can be found nowhere else.

I don’t know what is in your past or even what God may be asking you to do. But what I do know, is that with God, ALL things are possible and everything that you have been thru, good and bad, has brought you to your very present.

The only thing that is stopping your past mistakes to be used for good is YOU! So let go and let God. Step out in faith and with boldness like Paul and see just what God can do. Let nothing stop  you and no one. Follow God’s lead, He will not lead you wrong.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, forgive me for letting my past mistakes stand in the way of doing what You have called me to do.  Help me to have a boldness like never before and like Paul, let nothing stand in my way of doing ministry for You. With You, I can do ALL things. Thank You, Lord. AMEN

2 thoughts on “…and immediately!

  1. Iris

    Amen to that, Laurie. God indeed uses us despite our failures. But we all need to willing to let God use them. Thank you for the timely reminder.