There is not a day that passes that satan does not whisper in our ear, “It is just too hard, someone has wronged you, just give up and be happy, carefree and free from this always having to please God.”

Be very careful to recognize the voice of satan and NEVER give in to him, at the very moment he whispers a word or LIE to you and; of course you know that he only can lie he is incapable of telling the truth, because he is the father of all lies.

Immediately cry out to Jesus to forgive you for listening even for one second to satan. Ask Jesus to cover you with HIS BLOOD, which still has the power to protect you and me from any attack satan tries to put on us.

Jesus is our constant Intercessor to God for our right standing with God If we do sin, just ask Jesus to forgive us and put us back in right standing with HIM. He is at the right hand of Father God, and He will say, “Father this is my child, I have bought him/her with my blood they are mine, they are truly repentent, I ask you to restore them back into a right relationship with YOU.

Dear Reader you do not have to be a slave to satan, that ended the second you and I asked Jesus to be our Savior and to cover our past with HIS BLOOD. Through the Holy Trinity, God the Father, Jesus our Saviour, who is the WORD of God and the Holy Spirit, we are covered with a cloud of witness from God and the Holy Spirit is always within us to correct us when we do think about doing wrong.

Remember if you have a thought that is not in right standing with the Holy Spirit, HE will immediately speak to your spiritual heart and tell you this is not of God. Please be so in tune with the Holy Spirit that you will always know if satan is trying to get you on the wrong way and put a wedge in between you and GOD.

A good thought is, “If in doubt, don’t. There is no way the Holy Spirit will ever lead you wrong. That is why Jesus went back to the FATHER, after he arose from the dead, after his sacrificial death for us on the cross and on the third day rose again. He told HIS disciples that He must go back to The Father, so the Holy Ghost could come and lead His people in the right way to live for Jesus in everything they do and that is still His plan for us today.

Blessings to you Dear Readers, Gloria

(C) copy rite 2017 Gloria