Learning to Trust and Be Still

be stillLearning to trust can be hard. On top of that, being still seems almost impossible in this day and age of multi-tasking. I learned a lesson recently from children. They are often the best teachers.

This past week I had the opportunity to spend time in the pool with the little children attending our school’s summer camp. There were groups of four children with ages ranging from 3-6. I would have each of the children sit on the top step of the pool as I instructed them one at a time. A lifeguard stood by attentively making sure they followed my instructions and were safe.

As I worked with each one, I would have them blow bubbles, put their head under the water, practice  ‘scoops’ as they used their arms to learn to swim. Then I would have them roll over on their back and asked them to relax and be still. I was trying to teach them to float. A few of them were very trusting and did just that. Occasionally, they would fight a bit and begin to sink but my arm was right there to lift them back up. They knew Miss Debbie was right beside them and wouldn’t let anything happen to them. Others fought me the entire time. They struggled and kept trying to lift their head and they would sink. Even though I held their little bodies up, they continued to fight.

The best thing they could do was to trust me and be still.

I realized this was a life lesson for me as well. Sometimes I struggle trying to make something happen. Praying and reading my Bible can sometimes seem so passive. I have to do something, figure it out all by myself. So I make decisions and move forward only to realize it wasn’t the way to go. I’m learning that the best way is to pray and seek God’s Word and then to listen and obey.


Learning to trust and be still takes patience. The Lord is teaching me patience as I wait upon Him.

How about you? Do you often act impulsively and move ahead without praying about it first? Or do you go ahead and then in hindsight ask God to bless your decisions and actions? Do you struggle and insist on your way?

I encourage you to learn from children. Trust and be still.

Blessings and love,



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12 thoughts on “Learning to Trust and Be Still

  1. Michelle

    To trust and be still…
    I try so many times to do it my way, without waiting on God.
    I have gotten myself in deep water this way.
    Expecting God to pull me out..

    Oh, that we would learn to trust and be still.

    I am so glad I found your blog, again.
    It looks like my last post was in 2011.
    I can’t believe it’s been so long.

    1. Debbie Post author

      Michelle, so glad you came back! It can be hard to wait on God. Our natural inclination is to do something. But over the years, I’ve found this is the best way. It doesn’t mean we sit and do nothing. But we pray and keep our eyes open as the Holy Spirit prompts us.

  2. Debbie

    Great post and analogy here Debbie. Soo true isn’t it? Just resting in Him is so difficult, our human nature just fights this so, but really one of the best things we can learn! Enjoy your week!

    1. Debbie Post author

      You know it Deb. That human nature tends to want immediate results. But as you know, God’s ways are best.

  3. Iris

    More than I want to admit! I often think that I know what is best for me, but later find myself in trouble. Great visual lesson, Debbie.

  4. Lea

    Oh, what a wonderful post Debbie and I imagine speaks to everyone that reads it. In this age of go, go, go, we MUST be still, listen and trust. I try to be consious of this daily, but I find I get caught up in the busyness of life and forget to listen. Wishing you a wonderful week as you work with those precious little ones.

    1. Debbie Post author

      Busy, busy, busy …sometimes that seems to be my life lately. But God. Time spent quietly with Him reaps the best results and in His perfect timing.

  5. Lisa notes

    Oh, this is a great lesson for me too, Debbie. I tend to squirm and wiggle and impulsively move about. But yes, God does ask us to trust him and be still and let HIM be in total control. Thanks for putting this analogy together. A great one.

    1. Debbie Post author

      Thank you for stopping by today Lisa. Yes I write about what I learn and continue to learn. This is definitely one of those lessons.

  6. Heather Strickland

    I can relate too! Many times God has asked me to be still and trust Him. Sometimes I did as He asked and other times I could not wait. Thankfully, He hasn’t given up on me yet.