Old Growth, Roots, and Amazing Grace

“Therefore, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him and firm in your faith just as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” ~ Colossians 2:6,7

A while back I came across this old growth tree with part of its root system uniquely exposed above the ground. This tree kept growing strong despite the surrounding obstacles. The roots built upward from the soil, besides its deep system beneath the ground which firmly anchored it where it began to grow oh, so many years before. Life abounds in, on and around this tree and its roots. It’s thriving, as are the other plants and critters that are being nourished by it. To me, it exemplified a life so overflowing with thankfulness that it just had to share the gift of life.

I was reminded of a Thursday evening almost 48 years ago when I found myself sitting on a carpet square attempting to sing along to unfamiliar folksy Christian chorus’ and listening to a guy talk about God’s love and how He provided a way for us to have the gift of eternal life. He read from the Bible how we’ve all sinned and need a Savior. No one had to tell me I was a sinner. Just 8 months before I had murder in my heart. With a butcher knife in my hand, I ran towards my father who was mercilessly beating my mother on the floor. I was only a few feet away from his back with the knife raised when my mother happened to catch a glimpse of me and screamed for me to stop.

So on that Thursday evening on October 2, 1969, while I sat on that uncomfortable carpet square, I believed on the Lord Jesus Christ as the One who paid the debt I owed for my sin, giving me eternal life. He redeemed me and rooted me into the fertile soil of faith. Oh, what an amazing, matchless gift of grace!

I’m thankful for the two couples that God brought into my life at the tender age of 16 almost 17. I’m forever grateful for the time they invested into my life during my Senior year of high school. They discipled me and nurtured me along in my new found faith. I’m also thankful for the years that followed at Florida Bible College, further deepening my faith. It’s also the place I met the love of my life.

I’m feeling like that old growth tree with part off it’s root system exposed. Life continues on . . .  my faith continues to grow . . . roots go deeper and deeper . . . and I find purpose and joy in nurturing others that the Lord brings my way. I love sharing my story about how God can redeem the broken and seemingly unredeemable. My heart overflows today and every day with thankfulness for God’s goodness and mercy, His faithfulness and Amazing Grace.


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