Returning Thanks




There are moments, and then there are defining moments.  Moments in time that change your perspective.  Moments that clarify others.  Moments that you cling to, because of the poignancy, moments that take your breath away.

I experienced such a moment this Thanksgiving.  A moment of gratitude, because we were all still present around the Thanksgiving table.  This year, I have walked beside a loved one who is fighting not one, but 3 different types of cancer.  Earlier this year, I did not know what Thanksgiving would be like.  But there he sat… weakened, battling pain, but present.  He was still with us, fighting a valiant fight.

And then my point of view shifts, to his wife, my precious mother-in-law.  She has recently had a significant health crisis of her own.  Open heart surgery looms before us.  But on this day, she was here.  Having a good day, enjoying her great grandbaby, so blessedly here with us!

And then I realized, I have been in this family for 27 years.  I have always been grateful for them.  But this year.  Because of those moments.  I fully recognized how much they mean to me.  How very blessed we are with this thing called life.  Such a rare and precious thing, life is.  We should never take it for granted!  It is a gift!

This season I have thought of all my many blessings. And I have praised God for them.   But it is those moments of clarity, that fully enables us to recognize the beauty that is all around us.  Simple blessings.  Grandma’s fruit salad.  My mom’s recipe for turkey and dressing.  Bustling kids who run through the house because they are so full of life!  All of these great and precious gifts could be taken for granted.  On this holiday of Thanksgiving, I choose to remember all that He has provided.  And I commit within myself more fully to continue this grateful feeling on into the Season of Giving.  I choose to live more fully.  More cognizant of all that He has provided.  The great and small thing are all from His hand.  A loving God who holds all of our moments in his strong, nail-scarred hand.  I. Am.  Thankful.

Dear God, you have blessed me beyond belief.  But today I choose to praise you for the essentials, the sanctity of life.  The indescribable gift of life eternal, available in Your Son, Jesus Christ.  Amen.


6 thoughts on “Returning Thanks

  1. Iris

    Powerful message, Sherri. You are right; we often take life for granted. Last year at this time I did not think my mom would no longer be with us this year.

  2. Marsha Harwood

    Sherri, this is beautiful and thought provoking. Thank you for sharing the journey you are on with your in-laws. I remember all too well two seasons of giving thanks and gift giving that I sat at the table with my in-laws and then by their bedsides as they ebbed away. It’s a bittersweet season. I’ll pray for them both–and for you and your family in the days, weeks, months ahead. You are loved.