Summer has finally arrived at our house! School is out and the sun is shining more and more. This can mean only one thing for our family….THE BEACH!

The highlight of our summer is spending time at the beach. It is so relaxing to sit down by the water and listen to the waves rolling  and crashing. Each evening, on our vacation to the beach, we stroll down the beach looking for treasures. Mostly what we find is sand crabs and litter. Occasionally, we find something worthy to hold onto though.

Have you ever noticed that when the water washes up to the shore, it also washes up things that have been rolling around deep out in the ocean. Most of the time, what is washed up is useless things  like seaweed, or a littered piece of paper or a dead fish. Seashells often are washed up along with this other stuff and this is what we like to investigate. The roll of the tide and the crashing of the waves often times leave these seashells broken or less than perfect. What a magnificient treasure when we find a seashell that has been washed ashore that is still beautiful and worthy to hold onto.

Finding such a treasure on the beach reminds me of what the Psalmist said…

PSALM 77:19 “Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though Your footprints were not seen.”

Life can take twists and turns that may feel like we are in a crashing storm on the sea. The winds are violent around us, the waves are crashing in on every side and it feels like possibly we may drown. But, then, just like the waters of the sea are calmed, God steps in and calms our very own storm.

You may wonder… how in the world are you going to come out of this raging water of turmoil? Will there be any pieces of you left that can be salvaged?

When we put our trust in the One who calms the sea, we will see that even in the mirky waters of trouble, God is with us. Like the seashell that washes up on the shore that has withstood the violent waves, so shall we. The treasure that we see in that lovely seashell is also how God sees you and me … a treasure that is beautiful and worthy to hold onto!

Next time you come across a beautiful seashell, let it be a reminder to you that God is faithful even in the storms of life!


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7 thoughts on “SEASHELL PROMISE

  1. Kim

    We live across the street from the beach but the beach never seizes to amaze me. I love sitting there and staring at it because it is sooo massive. But the Lord tells it just where to stop on the shore. Thank goodness or the little barrier island we live on would be underwater! LOL.
    God is so good.

  2. Trish

    Thanks for these lovely words. I needed to be reminded to put my trust in God that things will look up. Please pray for Bob.

  3. Tiffany

    I came across your blog while I was searching for a lesson to share with inner city kids in K-4th grade. I recently visited the beach and was able to bring back shells to do crafts with the kids. This is the perfect idea I needed to connect the craft and shells with God and how we can trust Him with our lives. Thanks so much for sharing this!

  4. Debbie Fisher

    I was searching for scripture to be the theme of my table in our parade of tables at church……I have everything beach as we are avid shellers…this verse is perfect. Thanks for you words.

  5. Mia Herne

    Your devotional came to me today as an answer to prayer. I am preparing a care package to send to a young couple back in Minnesota–the wife–Joanne I have known since she wasa a little girl. She was my neighbor as she along with her mom and sister lived at the home of her grandparents–her daddy’s parents. Her daddy died leaving the mom and daughters w/o a home. The grandparents made a home for them. 2 years ago she married a wonderful man named Chris. A year ago they became parents to Emma Grace who was only with them for a couple days when God saw it best to bring the little one Home to heaven. Saturday I went to my favorite store to look for 2 special mugs. What I had in mind something maybe with butterflies or dragonflies or even pink flowers was not on the shelf. Instead I chose the ones with seashells ( I now live in Maine). I remember my childhood pastor’s wife had wgiven devotionals on seashells but I don’t remember them. I have been seeking the LORD for wisdom to what to share in my card to them. I will also enclose tea and a pink candle. Then I thought I would google seashell devotionals. I found yours . So well put and so perfect for such a time as this. Pray God continues giving me wisdom as to what to share. Thankyou Laurie !