The Snow Maker

Like much of the country today, West Texas is blanketed by snow and shivering under single-digit temperatures. The tail-end of the massive storm that is sweeping the U.S. dipped down to touch even this desert we call home. Roads, airports, and schools are shut down from the Deep South through the mid-west and into the northeast. I heard on the news yesterday that FEMA went to the White House to meet with the President. Some say this could be the worst storm in decades.

As I glanced out across my white back yard this morning I thought about just how weak and powerless humanity really is. We can put a man on the moon, but we cannot establish its orbit. We can bounce signals off of satellites, but we cannot read the thoughts and intents of another. We can even clone a sheep and name her “Dolly,” but we cannot create life out of nothing.

We are “very busy” here on earth. We have important things to do and important people to see. Our lives move at breakneck speed and rarely do we slow to acknowledge the only One who truly deserves our attention. Only on occasion do we stop and pay homage to Him who sustains everything by His powerful word (Hebrews 1:3). But this storm of 2011 testifies to the power and greatness of our Creator. And in its act of testimony mankind is forced to stop.

God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding. He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’ and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’ So that everyone he has made may know his work, he stops all people from their labor. Job 37:5-7

This monstrous storm has “stopped all people from their labor.” But will we allow our thoughts to turn to the Maker of the Storm? The One who measures the waters of the earth in the hollow of his hand and weighs the mountains on a scale deserves our worship. Will we give it?

Will you join me today in praising the Almighty Snow Maker?

Kathy Howard

4 thoughts on “The Snow Maker

  1. Andie

    Thank you for this….in the midst of the cold, snow and ice I will stop and praise the Creator. Can I still grumble just a bit however???

  2. Iris

    What a mighty storm indeed that swept the US; it even dipped down to the 20’s here in the AZ desert (no snow though).

    You are right Kathy, we often are so busy that we no longer know how to slow down. May I always find time to connect with Him to get refreshed.