Something is always growing

Something is always growing…good or bad.

I noticed this morning as I weeded my orchard that it doesn’t matter whether it is the beginning of summer, middle July or end of August, something always grows in the ground around my fruit trees – mostly weeds. Every time I get one kind of weed completely pulled out, another kind takes its place, almost as if it is saying – “thanks for the room!”

I’m reminded it can be the same with me. Something is always growing in the soil of my heart.  When I give it room, something grows there. Like the weeds that don’t even need water, if I’m not careful, thoughts or feelings can begin to grow if I just give them a bit of soil to take root. It’s great if the subject matter planting itself in my heart is pure and good, but if it isn’t, I can find myself overgrown with something that only causes me the trouble of pulling out later. It can also do a lot of harm to the good things growing there.

I don’t know about you but I get tired of pulling weeds!

It’s good to keep a close check on what is growing in our hearts and quickly pull out those little seeds of sin that begin to sprout there (or catch them before they drop), before they become rooted and take over a lot of ground. The Bible says,

“Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23

We don’t want those issues of life tangled up with sin. Instead, we can plant God’s word there and let it grow. And as we study His word, it works like Round-up. We sprinkle it on the weed of sin and it uses the light of truth to kill the weed, from the top down to the roots deep within.

What is growing in your heart?

2 thoughts on “Something is always growing

  1. Iris

    You are right, Charlotte. If we let sin fester, it will take over not only our heart, but the rest of us. May God pull the weed as soon as it starts to grow.