How Do You Spend Your Time?

How do spend your time?

Do you ever have days when you realize that you got nothing done that you set out to do?

Do you spend countless hours watching TV or playing games on your computer?

I believe it’s important to have balance in life.  It doesn’t have to be all work and no play.  But for me, I’ve found that I need some order if I’m to live a godly life.

Psalm 90:12 says:

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

I have certain responsibilities.

  • I am a wife.
  • I work full time outside the home.
  • I have aging family members who need help at times.
  • I have friends.
  • I have a church family.
  • I have daily and weekly chores to keep up with.
  • I want to stay fit and healthy.
  • I cook.
  • I love photography.

I have to prioritize my  needs and my wants.  Otherwise, I’m always dealing with the urgent at the last minute.  Planning helps me stay on track.

  • My day starts with a daily quiet time.  For me, this is a priority.  Spending time in God’s Word, prayer and sitting quietly before Him has been so beneficial for me.  I am a better wife, friend, employee when I get filled in this way instead of always looking to get filled from others.  And I have to say I’m less disappointed when I’m not so dependent on how others treat me.
  • I have an overall mission for my life.  I am a disciple of Jesus.  No matter where I go or what I’m doing, my goal is to be a light that shines the love of Jesus.  And when this happens, He gets the credit.
  • Pray without ceasing.  Yes, this sounds impossible but it’s really not.  I begin in the morning and it’s often an ongoing stop and start conversation all day long.
  • I spend a certain amount of time on my computer doing email, writing blog posts and reading other blogs, Facebook, Pinterest and doing research on social media.  I think you get the idea.  But I really don’t spend time on online games because I simply don’t have the time.
  • When I’m with a person, I try to give them my time and attention while I’m there.  I don’t text, talk on my cell, or daydream about something else.
  • I’m working on establishing a specific time to exercise.  I haven’t been successful recently since I have a long drive to work and a long day at work.  But I’ve been able to do this in the past so I haven’t given up.

So, how about you?

Are you a planner or do you get through your days come what may?

I think we could all use some help in this area of time management.  However, I want to end this post with another Scripture verse.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says:

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”

You may be in a season of raising little children.  Or you may be in a season of caring for an aging parent.

This season will eventually end.

Will you look back and know that you did your best during this season?

Blessings and love,


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5 thoughts on “How Do You Spend Your Time?

  1. Janette@Janette's Sage

    Debbie..this has been a strong word for me this year and you summed it up very well. God has told me to clock my time so I would realistically see where it is going…I am sure I am going to be surprised. Thanks for the nudge to focus on where my time is going and if it is honoring to the Lord.

  2. rcubes

    Loved the security word that came with my comment…
    “Jesus…” 🙂

    How true that when we start our day with the Lord and end our day with the Lord, it helps us to be focused no matter how many things are trying to distract us from accomplishing what needs to be done. I feel that when our hearts and minds are filled with His Word even before we set our foot out the door, His truth always guides us, protects us and give us discernment in making our choices…

    I love when I get reminded how important it is to be prayerful…and how important it is to have Jesus in the center of our lives. Then I know if He is, I don’t need to panic nor worry knowing His faithfulness and truth is everlasting. God bless you sister.

  3. Bethany

    Time goes so fast. I can’t believe it’s the middle of February. I must plan my day the night before so I know what I want to accomplish and be on top of stuff and not let time get away from me. Sometimes I have to stop and tell myself it doesn’t matter and I need to just stop what I’m doing and do what Caleb wants to do. I can’t imgagine when he is grown and out of the home. So I try to make the most but sometimes I miss opportunities I know.

  4. Iris

    My day looks pretty much like yours, Debbie. I always start with quiet time in the morning (unless I oversleep – which happens from time to time).

    Since I work full-time outside the home like you, I have to be really intentional about my time. I try to use the off-time I have as good as I can.