Stay the Course

Patience of The LORD


I was so surprised by the sudden invitation!  It came in 2013–excited because I had already traveled to Honduras once on a mission trip- and while I had gotten so sick on the last day there–I was ready to go again.

It was a gift from Him, but I knew that someone else’s plans had been changed in order for this to have happened.

Someone else had planned for a year or more to walk the dusty roads and cow trails to homes to deliver the Gospel message of Jesus Christ along with  rice and beans to hungry mouths.  Someone else had to change their plans when things in their lives changed.

When I had plans to go to Egypt a few years ago, we experienced some “change of plans” due to some “changes” going on in the country–and the possibility of that happening is in every trip “we plan”.

We had to decide early on in our ministry–that we will pray for what we feel God has laid on our hearts to do–but ultimately, He may change things up at the last minute.  It’s not always about “us”… He uses all things for His glory and honor and the salvation of others is the goal.

Have your plans been thwarted recently?  Gone awry?

For no sensible reason, have  you sensed a change perhaps and feel God stirring your nest?  Maybe you had things all laid out in your mind of how you wanted your life to play out–and for some reason it’s not….

Can I encourage you today?  Keep your head up and heart strong–He is truly working all things in your life for your good and His glory.  There are hearts and lives at stake in this world- it’s not all about us… it’s about them.  We may not ever meet the reason our plans change…but trust God.  We may never know “why” things happen or turn out like they do…. but trust God.

Stay the course.  Don’t waiver. Steady eyes ahead.  Feet keep moving.

When you allow God full control– You will be greeted with some surprises along the way and joy follows the heart that trusts completely in Him…

And friend, He is trustworthy.


Copyright protected. © Angie Knight 2015.  The Knightly News.  All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Photography by Angie Knight, Honduras 2013.  Please do not copy.  All rights reserved. Used by permission.

3 thoughts on “Stay the Course

  1. Iris

    Powerful message, Angie. Yes, sometimes it is hard to stay the course, but with His guidance we can be sure to be on the right road.

  2. BernadineBernadine

    “When you allow God full control– You will be greeted with some surprises along the way and joy follows the heart that trusts completely in Him…”
    Powerful words, Angie. Thanks for sharing. I needed the reminder.