The Look

2 Chron 16:9

9 For the eyes of the Lord  range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.


I may as well go ahead and confess.  I am an over-protective mom.  I feel it is my sworn duty to hold the hands of my little kids in the parking lot.  I am a fanatic about seat belts and car seats.  I never let my little ones outside alone without “eye-balling” them every 2-3 minutes.  Looking on their own in the store or roaming freely around the ball field?  Forget about it!  (At least until they are pre-adolescent.)  I have watched too many crime shows, not to always be on the look-out for weirdo’s and child abductors.

Funny thing is, (thankfully) none of my “more permissive” mom friends have had their children abducted either.  So, my track record of safety is possibly not contingent upon my watchfulness.  But I just cannot help myself.  I love my children.  And that love is expressed in child latches, watchful eyes and “for your own good” lectures, warnings and reminders.

I love the passages of Scripture that depict God as a loving, watchful parent.  It makes me feel treasured.  And, well… safe.  As a mom, I am limited in my ability to identify and eradicate potential hazards. But Father God is without limit.  He has every resource at His disposal to protect me.   And He is not afraid to use it!  He has all wisdom, all power, all authority and all resources.  He is poised perfectly to defend His little ones.

But having His eye upon His children, goes far beyond a protective eye.  His look also holds reward, blessing, and promise.  His eyes are a search light, actively sweeping the Earth, identifying His children,  looking for their needs, looking for areas that need strengthening.  I love this verse in NKJV:  “For the eyes of the Lord  run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”  I don’t know about you, but there are times, I really need Him to show himself strong on my behalf.


Some days I can put on a brave front.  Other days, I am just not feeling it.  When I am about to cave…when I cannot take another step…when I have lost my ability to lift my chin up…He sees.  He knows.  He understands. And He acts.


Dear Lord, I am amazed by You.  Your love, protection and care are beyond my ability to comprehend.  Your sacrificial love knows no bounds.  And I am forever your grateful child.  Thank you for watching over me.  Guiding and protecting me.  Steering me in the path you have chosen for me. 


Today, I pray for those who need strengthening.  Those who are weak, disheartened, vulnerable and afraid, I lift before you, Father.  Allow them to feel your watchful care, your tender embrace, and the safety of  Your might.  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.


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