The Old Made New


We aren’t sure how old they are, but we are certain they were here long before anyone dreamed of building a house on this land.  These live oaks have witnessed things we can only imagine. They are special to me – for their faithfulness and their reminder that all things are made new.

I remember winter days, when we lived up north, looking out my living room windows at the stark landscape – the bare branches of the trees tracing dark lines across the sky – longing for signs of spring. It seemed so far away – as though winter would last forever. But here, in my South Texas home, the trees stand full and lush throughout the winter. It is a comfort.

Sometime around the beginning of March the leaves begin to grow brittle and brown They are scattered on the ground by the gusty winds – crunching under our feet as we walk. The trees are changing. Slowly, imperceptibly light green tassels form and then tiny new leaves. Before we know it, the trees are covered in that color green I can never find just the right word for. It is new life; it is pure; it is fresh.

The change from old to new has come gently. Before we could mourn the loss of the old leaves, new ones came to take their place. A bit like the work of the Spirit in the lives of those whose hearts are turned toward God. We go on living our lives as we have always done, and all the while there is something happening deep inside. A strong wind comes and blows away the old, and without our even being aware something new has come. New life born out of the old.

Perhaps it is like the one who faces difficult, unbearable circumstances. Daily she cries out to God for help, and no help comes. Over and over she reads His words – and finds no comfort. In her desperation she must choose to either trust or abandon faith. Even in her weakness, she chooses faith.

The days continue to flow one into another until one morning she wakes to find peace has settled in her heart. The circumstances remain unchanged, but there is something new that has taken the place of the old fear.

He comes to make all things new. We don’t have to worry about making great changes by the force of our own will. We simply rest in Him, and imperceptibly He does the work in our hearts.

“And the One sitting on the throne said, ‘Look, I am making everything new! And then He said to me, ‘Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true.'” Revelation 21:5



3 thoughts on “The Old Made New

  1. LaurieLaurie

    I am so thankful for how God continually is working to make ALL things new. It gives me hope and promise for my tomorrow’s. Great Word! 🙂

  2. Iris

    Powerful message, Linda. You are right; we often think that change is not coming until one morning we wake up with a peace in our heart that can only come from Him.