The Way Things Are…..

Do you ever face a challenge?  Has anyone told you to give up and just “accept it”- it’s just “the way things are?”

Sometimes,  as Christians we can “roll over and play dead.” We start believing that THIS is all there is, or THIS is just how “it is.” We forget to fight– to stand firm and put on His armor. We forget to be strong in the Lord and His mighty power and to take our stand against the enemy’s evil schemes. We just accept our circumstances as “the way things are.” We just sigh, and say, “This must be God’s Will, His plan.” (And sometimes it is! There are times that He is refining us or our circumstances are a result of sin or our choices- but that is a whole other blog post!!!)

Did you ever see the movie, Babe, about a pig who refused to accept that things were just “the way things are?” All the animals in the barnyard tried to tell Babe that it’s “just the way things are” and Babe would have to accept that he was going to be Christmas dinner.  But, Babe refused to accept it.  He believed that he was destined for something greater.

There are times when God is calling us, as Believers,  to dig in our heals, to refuse to accept “the way things are” and turn to Him in prayer and faith.  God wants us to speak His Word… His Truth… BELIEVE it, walk in it and walk BELIEVING it!

God reminded me of an example of this that happened not too long ago.

I was NOT feeling well- I had a “bug” of some kind. But, I had so much to do. While I was praying with my mentor and prayer partner, I had a “woe is me” attitude and was resigned to an attitude of  giving up.

I started to speak this belief over myself.

“I am sick today.  I won’t be able to do all things I need to do. Oh well.”  I even said, “God must be slowing down.” (And He, does do that, too- but that, too, is a whole other blog post!!!!!)

The more I wallowed in my “feeling bad” and kept telling myself how sick I was, the worse I felt!

But, my prayer partner didn’t just accept that I wasn’t feeling well.  She didn’t join my “poor me” pity party- which I wasn’t too happy about at first.  I wanted  her to feel sorry for me- I was sick!  I wanted to “wallow!”  But, she began to pray for healing. We began to take our authority in who we are in Jesus and what He has already done for us.  As we prayed, my faith began to rise. I knew it was God’s will for me to get up and accomplish the things He had called me to do that day. We talked about the time when Jesus healed Peter’s mother from a fever and she got up to serve them. Immediately after we prayed I felt better. I still had my cold, but my attitude had completely changed.  I had energy to get up and do the things I needed to do. Once I finished, I felt God say, “Rest now.”

I felt so much better!!!! I rested without worries of my tasks.  I was so thankful and praised Him over and over!

Lord, thank You that You are constantly calling us to exercise faith and to call to You…expecting You to extraordinary things in our “ordinary” lives.  Thank You that You care for each of our needs.  Help us to be more like “Babe”, not just accepting things the way they are, but going to You, believing You will change them.  And, even when our circumstances don’t change, give us faith to keep looking to You with an attitude of hope and belief. We love You, Lord!  In Jesus’ Name we pray.  Amen.

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6 thoughts on “The Way Things Are…..

  1. eph2810

    When I was reading this devotion this morning it reminded me about Scripture when Jesus told the sick man to pick-up this mat and go 🙂 …

    Yes, sometimes we just like to hide and don’t want to go anymore. I am glad that your friend prayed over you in that situation.

  2. Justine

    Thanks for your post! I needed that this morning. My Mom just told me yesterday as she is laying in the hospital bed that she was going to “fight this thing”. I told her she is a fighter and that many prayers are coming her way. Sometimes His healing takes longer and we have to be patient I am realizing, but I am in awe of her courage and strength that she has been given by Him!