Where Do You Turn When You’re Hurting?

band aids and boo boos

Working with little children is a delight.  However, they love to run up to me every day to show me their latest boo-boos.  They will lift up their pant leg so I can see a tiny scrape.  Or they will hold up their finger to show me their princess band-aid.  When the other children see this they have to run over to show me their boo-boos too.    

But are we adults so different?  Where do you turn when you’re hurting?  Do you pick up the phone and talk to a friend?

What if the first place you ran was to the Lord?

Psalm 77 starts out as an expression of pain and problems.  Asaph was one of David’s chief musicians and he is crying out.

Verse 1-2 says:

“I cried out to God for help; I cried out to God to hear me.  When I was in distress, I sought the Lord; at night I stretched out untiring hands and my soul refused to be comforted.”

However, there is a change in Psalm 77.  In verses 10-12 it says:

“Then I thought, To this I will appeal; the years of the right hand of the Most High.  I will remember the deeds of the LORD: yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.  I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds.”

His focus began to change from self to God.  He remembered who God is.  He resolved to make the choice to remember.  This impacted his attitude and perspective about his pain and problems.

Now I’m certainly not saying that a chat with a dear friend is not OK.  But how often do we go to the Great Physician who can change our situation or at least our perspective?

I love to journal.  It helps me to browse back through my journals from time to time.  I can see for myself how God has been so faithful.  I remember what I was feeling when I wrote out a prayer of desperation.  But I also see how God answered my prayer.  At the time it didn’t seem quick enough.  But looking back I realize His timing was perfect.  This gives me assurance and perspective when I am faced with uncertainty.

God is faithful.  God is just.  And He cares about us.

Lord, may we always remember that You are with us.  You see all that impacts our lives.  You know the number of hairs on our head.  I pray that I would run to you first when I have a problem or I’ve been hurt.  Thank you for never leaving me.  Amen

Blessings and love,

7 thoughts on “Where Do You Turn When You’re Hurting?

  1. Debbie

    You are soo right Deb. You’d think I’d learn WHO to turn to FIRST after all these years. Good thing HE knows me soo well, and loves me soo much. Enjoy your day, and thanks for this reminder!

  2. bluecottonmemory

    I wish someone had told me this when I was a teenager – that urge to call wasn’t an urge to call a friend – but God calling me to tell Him all about it. I think that is one of the most important life lessons! I’m so glad you wrote about it! Wishing you much blessing this week – and no booboos – but sweet time with the Father!

  3. Iris

    It is true that when we run to Him with our hurts, He changes our perspective. When I start to stress out about a situation, I remember His promise that He is with me all the time. It may not change the situation, but it gets me calm.

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us, Debbie.