Under His Wings


For three years in a row the Cardinals have returned to this place to build their nest. From my kitchen window I watch as they painstakingly weave bits of twigs and string into a safe bed for little ones. When the work is completed, she lays her eggs, and then comes the long wait.

Day after day I watch as she patiently sits, keeping her unborn babies warm and protected. The nest is tucked deep inside a hanging planter on our porch. I think it a wise choice until I see how it is buffeted by the wind. Some days I wonder how she remains so steadfast as the planter swings wildly back and forth. She leaves only for brief periods – to eat and take care of necessary things I suppose.

I lost track of the time, but a few days ago I saw little heads, mouths opened wide, barely peeking above the rim. Now the real work begins – the unending trips back and forth to feed hungry little bellies. Papa steps in to help, and they devote themselves to the care of their precious babies.

Yesterday, as I was filling the coffee pot, I looked out and saw Mama Cardinal perched on the edge of the planter. At first I worried that something had happened to the wee ones, but she was merely taking time to rest and gaze adoringly into her nest. A sudden gust of wind swept across the porch – strong enough to ruffle her feathers and set the nest swinging. Carefully she settled herself down into the nest and drew a protective covering of wings and feathers over her babies. She remained there – steadfast in the face of danger – as the winds continued to blow.

I stood and watched with the eyes the Father offers – the ones I too often forget to use – and saw a picture of His love and protection. Tenderly, gently He watches over us. We are  precious to Him. No matter what comes into our lives, He is there. We find rest in the shelter of His wings.

“He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.”  Psalm 91:4



3 thoughts on “Under His Wings

  1. Stacie

    What a beautiful image. It reminds me of this verse: “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” Romans 1:20
    Love you Linda. This is beautiful and I am glad you saw it and shared it. Love, Stacie

  2. Iris

    It is good to know that I am safe under His wings. The storms of life can really get strong, but knowing that He spreads His wings over me, is comfort.