Uniquely His


We came in hopes of seeing fields of wild flowers stretching as far as the eye can see, but we were too late. All the fields lay fallow except one – a sea of purple blooms rippling in the afternoon breeze. We took pictures and walked paths that meandered through the grounds of the Wildflower Seed Farm. Tiny gardens filled with flowers that attracted butterflies and hummingbirds were scattered all around.

In spite of the breeze, the afternoon sun felt warm. I found a little bench, in the shade of a huge oak near the entrance to the farm, and sat for a little while. Whoever placed that bench there knew exactly what they were doing. A gentle stillness seemed to surround the place. It was so peaceful.

I glanced down and was startled to discover a single little Bluebonnet growing in the hard packed ground. Its meager leaves and delicate bloom made it look so vulnerable. I bent down to get a closer look. Sure enough – a Bluebonnet. “What are you doing here?” I whispered. “It’s far too late in the season. All of your friends went to seed a long time ago. Besides, this is no place for a self-respecting flower. You’re supposed to be out in the fields.”

I smiled. There was something about seeing it standing bravely on its own that spoke to my heart. As much as we would like to be one of the crowd, to share in the glory of being part of something big, some of us are called to serve, almost unnoticed, in quiet places. It may feel as though we are weak and inadequate, but as surely as the Father has formed us with love and grace, He has a glorious purpose for our lives.

He has placed us exactly where He wants us. We may never know the lives we touch in our own unique way, but be assured when we live a life fully rooted in Him, we are making a difference in the kingdom. That one little bloom was as beloved as those that flourished in grassy fields. It’s life was a gift to me that day.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10




4 thoughts on “Uniquely His

  1. Marsha Harwood

    Your words blessed me today. I’m hearing similar thoughts over the last few days. I’m sensing God has a message in all this for me, and so I’m working on being still and listening. I just want to be who He designed me to be. Thank you, Linda.

  2. Ann Kroeker

    That one flower was a greater gift to you than the sea of flowers that wasn’t there at all. Bloom where you’re planted. This is a lovely reminder to trust God to use us, to bear fruit, wherever we find ourselves–standing together with others on full display to the world, or in the quiet hidden places.

  3. Iris

    Your writings always speak to my heart, emphasizing the incredible love the Heavenly Father has for me.