We Can Not Comprehend God

Did you know we can never fully understand God?

Ecclesiastes 8:17 “..However much man may toil in seeking, he will not find it out. Even though a wise man claims to know, he cannot find it out.”

Several years ago my husband was laid off his job. This was a job we both prayed over and felt it was God will to accept. So when almost one year to the day they let him go, we were left wondering if we heard God correctly. While we began to doubt the effectiveness of our prayers, we were trying to understand God.

Looking back today we can now see that the job was indeed God’s will, just not in the way we thought. The Lord had to bring us to the point where we would accept the next job that was offered, despite making less money. That job led to management opportunities where God could bless our family. I was limiting God in His planning, instead of trusting. I tried to comprehend Him, instead of having faith that He knew what He was doing. I tried to comprehend God.

True wisdom realizes we cannot fully “figure out” God.” Instead we need to trust that despite what our eyes see, he does have our best interest in mind.

Heavenly Father thank you for being greater then our imagination. Help me to rest in knowing that you see the big picture and have our best interest at heart. I love you Jesus. Amen.

God’s Girl,


7 thoughts on “We Can Not Comprehend God

  1. LynnLynn

    Wow Lori,

    You cannot even begin to know how much this spoke to my heart. My husband lost his job in January. He was interviewing for weeks recently and then finally told he didn’t get the job. Devastated doesn’t cover it. Anhoo, I think I went down this road to try to comprehend God and His reasoning’s. Today, I feel more peace and can rest in my trust because I truly know He does have our best interests at heart. Love you.

  2. LaurieLaurie

    thanks for sharing today Lori. God has a purpose for everything – and sometimes we are not on the same page as God but He always has our best interest at heart. Have a great weekend!

  3. Debbie

    This was a very timely post for me. Thank you Lori for sharing the example of your husband’s job situtation and how it really was an answer to prayer. I may not always understand why I go through certain things in life, but I do trust God who has a perfect plan.

  4. christy rose


    I really believe that when we come to this Truth it will keep us from thinking that we have it all figured out and standing in our understanding of His greatness and wisdom and just be able to rest and trust as we know He is working things out for our good.

    Great post!


  5. eph2810

    Oh, Lori, so true. We often want to put God into a box, but He knows what He is doing. I have now come to the point in my life where I say …’Okay, I trust you, because You know what is best for me’. I might not like what is going on, but I know it will be for my best.