When Life Leaves You With Question Marks

I’m not gonna lie . . . this past year has been difficult for me. . . the breast cancer journey . . . the death of family members and friends . . . the coming face to face with the stark reality of the brevity of life . . . concerns for an aging parent.  I’ve felt like my life has been on hold. Sometimes my faith was so weak I questioned God because I felt that I knew exactly what He’d called me to do, only to find my life on hold. I found myself wondering, “God, is this a period or a semicolon in the story of my life right now? I’m really in need of some direction.” I’m blessed with good friends who have walked this path before me and have been the hands and feet of Jesus. But I found myself relying on them more than I did God Himself.

Can you identify? Is your life filled with more question marks than explanation points?  While it’s good to seek godly counsel from a trusted friend or counselor, I was reminded by a dear friend to remember to always start my search for direction with laying out the situation before the Lord.

Laying It Down Before Him

When we’re tired and overwhelmed, He woos us—calls us to come to Him and lay our burdens down. He promises to give us rest when we do so. (Matthew 11:28,29) Sometimes I summarize my situation in writing, other times I verbalize it aloud in prayer. In both situations, I symbolically place it in my hands, lift it to the Lord and say something like, “Help me, Lord. I’m lifting this situation to You. Please guide me through Your Spirit and Your Word to make the right choice in this matter. I don’t want to carry this burden any longer. I’m laying it at Your feet.” And with that phrase, I open my cupped hands and release the burdens . . . yes, sometimes actually allowing my written out prayer to fall to the floor.

God’s Word is always the first place He will begin to unfold insight. While in His Word, He may impress upon my heart to seek out godly counsel, or He may remind me there’s unconfessed sin or other priorities I need to attend to before moving forward. And then there are the times He gives me the green light, filling me with the faith and the freedom to move forward. (And that’s where I am now. I’m rejoicing that my cancer is officially gone. I’m still under the watchful eye of doctors for a few years, but I’ve been given a new lease on life!) 

His Word Is His Voice Speaking to Us

His Word gives light and understanding. (Psalm 119:130)

His Word provides hope, mercy, and grace. “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

His Word calms an anxious heart and soul. (Psalm 94:17-19)

What about you? Is your life filled with more questions marks than exclamation points? Are you in need of direction regarding a difficult choice in your life? Do you feel as though you have lost your way and in need of some light on your path? Open the Word of God, hand over your need to Him, and seek His wisdom and guidance first and foremost. The answer doesn’t always come right away so don’t be discouraged and give up. Keep seeking Him. Sometimes He wants you to become more intimately acquainted with Him, to know His character and understand His truths so you can recognize His guidance in your life.

Do you need help in knowing God’s Will will and discerning His voice? I have a free download over on my website. If you’re interested, Click here.


5 thoughts on “When Life Leaves You With Question Marks

  1. LaurieLaurie

    Those question marks are tough but thankfully God already has the answer. It’s up to us to wait and trust whatever that answer may be. Even if we don’t understand, Daddy always knows best! ?

  2. Nancy T Doty

    Thanks for sharing…The Written Word gives us light,the light of Jesus.
    Excellent Scriptures to meditate on..

  3. Iris

    What a great message, Marsha. I haven’t been in an official Bible study for years, so this Summer I am committing to one. Being in His Word with others and digging deep is a great place to start when our legs are wobbly.