Which Path is Right?


“There is a pathway that seems right to a man,

but in the end it’s a road to death. ”

 Prov. 14:12


Before the invention of Google, we had some struggles at our house.  “Name that Actor” a little in-house game we played (OK, mostly me) often ended in a dispute between my husband and I.  I would think that it was one person, he another.  It bothered me.  It vexed me.  It was like a puzzle I needed to solve!  I would lay in bed sometimes searching my mind for the movie that the person had played in previously.  Nowadays, we have the convenience of the internet and a Goggle search can be done anytime, anywhere.  I will tell you the secret to my game- I Google the actor now, and if I am right- I share it with my husband. If I am wrong, I do not burden him with that truth!

I am sure that people have always had varying opinions of what is truth. But with the invention of social media, we are now readily given access to the thoughts and opinions of our friends, and of people we barely know.  It seems that many people are 100% convinced that they are right and are unwilling to allow others to have a differing opinion.

Sometimes I have to sit on my hands to keep from chiming in my two cents’ worth.  But then I remember, opinions are like noses- everybody has one.  And most of us have many!

Who is to say that my opinion is right and yours wrong?  Or vice versa?  As humans we are equally entitled to our own ideas.  But there is a better way.  A way that shines light.  A way that established a non-negotiable standard of opinion and lifestyle.  That way, older than man himself, is the Word of God!

In the written words of the Bible we find the opinion of God, our loving Creator.  In it, He tells us how to live.  The words are a fountain of life to those that choose to heed them.  They give meaning to our lives- these words make our lives meaningful to others!

People struggle with the idea of absolute truth.  People want to believe that their own way is right.  But there will never be unity as long as humanity is left to figure out the rules of the game of life as we play it.  The rule book has already been written, and it is a time-tested, time-honored path to holiness, purity, blessing and life.  Throwing off the wisdom that is contained within the Word is a road to chaos, confusion and destruction.

There are people who are convinced that they are right and loudly proclaim it.  They are convincing, persuading some to abandon Biblical truth and lean instead on the reasoning of humanism.  As a Christian our stand has to be- it MUST be- on the firm foundation of the Word of God.

We do not need to bash people over the head with our Bibles.  We do not have to out-argue those with non-Biblical views. We just have to be Jesus to them.  We have to walk as He walked.  We have to love as He loved.  We have to go about doing good.  And as the Lord opens the door to share, we must share the truth with others.  We will not win everyone.  But in the words of the apostle Paul, “To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.” ( I Cor. 9:22)

Our goal is not to prove ourselves right.  It is not to demean others.  Our goal is that we my save some- that we might win some.  

Oh, Lord, we need your truth upon our tongues!  We need a revival of truth in our land throughout the church!  Forgive us for leaning on man-made wisdom! Fill our mouths with truth- your Word IS truth!  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.

I leave you with the words of Aaron Shust in “Give Me Words to Speak”, may it become our prayer today-

“Give me Words to speak
Don’t let my Spirit sleep
Cause I can’t think of anything worth saying…”





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