Whose keeping score?

In every game played, there are wins and there are losses. Even though we may not remember all the wins, we are sure to remember the great feeling that victory brings. There is such satisfaction and reward for doing our best and coming out on top, but what about all those games lost?

We probably remember those the most. No one likes to lose and the feeling of defeat that comes with a loss is something that is difficult to forget or even get over.

Life is full of victories and defeats. If we would take a minute to think back over all of it, we might see that the victories were easier to thank God for and rejoice about. After all, who shouts for joy over losing and being defeated?

Here’s alittle reminder from God today:

“…And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20)

Disappointment, sadness and remorse DOES NOT have to be our defeat! These, along with happiness and joy, are all feelings that God put in us. It is alright to feel them but the question is what do we do with these feelings?

Today’s scripture is a marvelous reminder that no matter what, God is always with us. He is there when we win a few and He is there when we lose a few. I wonder how we will respond to the final score?

Personally, I’ve been going back and forth with a winning/losing streak in my life. Sometimes people don’t play fair in the game of life and sometimes we feel like the game itself (life) isn’t fair. While that may be true, it shouldn’t affect how we, ourselves play the game.

Jesus didn’t say that He would be with us JUST during our victories. He said He would remain with us ALWAYS. As Christians, we need to allow His presence to become a part of our lives at all times—even in times of defeat when we don’t feel like He is there or that He even cares. We must remember that God has a plan and He loves us no matter what the score.

Relax, God is on your team!


One thought on “Whose keeping score?

  1. Iris

    What a powerful message, Laurie. You are right, often times we let losses/defeats get us down. However, we need to trust Him to see us through everything – good or bad.