You are special!

When my son orders a Chick fil a chicken sandwich, he gets it without pickles. It comes out with a sticker like this one on the package.  This little sticker tells the customer that this chicken sandwich isn’t like all the others. There is something different about it.special

One time I kept the sticker and put it in our thankful book. Another time Caleb took it off and gave it to me cause he thought I’d want to keep it. I like to see it by my mirror.

I think it’s a simple reminder that we need to repeat often to ourselves. Too many times we listen to and accept the message the world gives to us that we are not good enough, not strong enough, not talented enough, not pretty enough. We easily compare ourselves, our way of doing things, our gifts, and our talents with others. When they do things differently than us, we may think less of ourselves. We may think: Why didn’t I think of that? Their way is so much better than anything I could do. My creation (whatever it may be) would never have looked like that. I could never do that. I could never be that good.

We each have our own ways of doing things and seeing the world. We have our little quirks that make us different from every one else. We mess up daily and none of us are perfect. But we ARE each special. We need to accept our unique traits instead of always putting ourselves down because of them.

You have one of a kind qualities and abilities that God gave to you. You have these for a reason. Remember that you are a special creation made by our loving God in His image. I hope it comforts you as it does me to know you are made in His image.

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27

“Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” Genesis 2:7

Remember today that you are special. More special than a chicken sandwich without pickles!

Have a day of blessings!

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3 thoughts on “You are special!

  1. Iris

    So, so true, Bethany. We tried to imitate others and their abilities. However, God gave us our own abilities and should embrace who we are; He made us after all.

    Thank you for the reminder that we are made by Him and for His glory.

  2. Wanda Thomas

    I am guilty of doing this. I know God loves me but I feel I do not have any talents and have to remind myself I have my own talents not theirs.