


She went down her to-do list as she lay in bed. Just a few more minutes under the covers, and then she would get going. But before her feet hit the floor the ringing of the phone shattered the silence and her well laid plans for the day. A long conversation with someone precious put her an hour behind. She tried to shake off the feeling of frustration, but her words and actions reflected her mood. Everything seemed to conspire to put her further and further behind. All she could think about were the things she would never have time to do.

She mumbled and complained her way through the errands she needed to run – feeling sorry for herself. It seemed she never managed to do the things she longed to do. Life always had a way of tripping her up with its big, heavy feet.

She took the shortcut home hoping to salvage at least part of her day. The grass in the fields was beginning to grow lush and green. The trees, bare only a short time ago, were filled with new leaves. Wild flowers peeped out from behind the tufts of grass on the verge of the road. A bright red cardinal sang from the wire overhead and the answer came back to him. She felt herself begin to relax.

A herd of goats grazed lazily in the spring sunshine.  There were sheep out in the fields at the neighboring ranch. They were the picture of peace. Something shifted deep inside.

These helpless animals were not in a frenetic rush to grab as much grass as they could in case there should be a shortage in the near future. They didn’t run wildly around hurrying to get to the next place which just might be a little better. They didn’t try to find their master to be sure he didn’t forget about them.They simply lived each moment with trust and a sort of grace.

Lord, she thought, I want to give you my moments. I trust You to give me grace and strength for whatever they may bring. When my day doesn’t go the way I planned, and I can’t get everything done, I want to find peace in knowing You will provide.

She slowed the car and gazed out the window at the beautiful world around her and breathed in peace.

“Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to Him than they are? Matt. 6:26



7 thoughts on “Peace

  1. Karen Nolan Bell

    Oh, how I needed this. I tend to feel guilty when I slow down and don’t complete my list for the day. Usually, it’s because of my health instead of interruptions. I should push the anxiety, rush and guilt aside so I can enjoy the peace. I think I’ll take my camera with me today and force myself to truly see what God has laid before me to enjoy. 🙂 Love you, my friend.

  2. Susansusan

    Lovely! It’s so important to look at the bigger picture rather than dwell on our treadmill. May we appreciate the interruptions as opportunities to serve.

  3. Iris

    Oh, Linda, what a powerful message!!! Don’t we all long for peace and strength. But we only can find these two precious things no where else, but in the presence of our beloved Heavenly Father.

    Thank you so much for the reminder that we do not need to rush through life to get where we need to go. We sometimes needs to rest at Jesus’ feet.