Who is Your Elizabeth?

It’s no secret that us gals are relational. Get a group of women together and we will talk and talk and talk and talk. We can’t help it, it is how God has wired us. When I have something big happen in my life, after talking to my husband, my next impulse is to call my girlfriend Celia, my Elizabeth.

When Jesus’ mother Mary, was given the biggest news of her life, she had no husband to confide in. Her first instinct after her visit from the angel of the Lord, was to immediately go out and seek Godly counsel from her cousin Elizabeth. Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her. Now Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, to a city of Judah and entered the house of Zecharias and Elizabeth. Luke 1:38-40

Mary didn’t wast any time, she went with haste. The definition of the word haste is; to move with speed, or in a hurry or a rush.

As a Christian woman, who is your Elizabeth? Who do you rush to in a hurry? Who do you seek for your Godly counsel? If you don’t have an Elizabeth of your very own, ask God to put one in your life. I have included below a few characteristics to look for in your Elizabeth.

Your Elizabeth should:
Have a steadfast walk with the Lord.
Give Godly counsel in truth and love.
Encourage you in your walk with Jesus.
Encourage you in your marriage.
Be someone whom you desire to learn from.
Pray for you.
Rejoice in your successes.
See your God-given gifts and encourage you to use them.


Your Elizabeth should not:
Gossip with others about things you have shared.
Disrespect your husband or family.
Remind you of past failures, or make fun of your shortcomings.
Pull you away from others.
Discourage you from serving the Lord.
Be in competition with you, or insecure in your achievements.
Take a moment and stop to ask yourself, “Who is my Elizabeth?”

 I hope you comment today, I would love to hear more about her!

Remember friends, you are blessed!


18 thoughts on “Who is Your Elizabeth?

  1. Shawna

    I never thought of having an Elizabeth friend. Recently I’ve prayed for godly friends, so now I can be more specific and pray for an Elizabeth. Thanks!

  2. Tammy

    Well to be honest I do not have an Elizabeth friend either. I am not one who needs friends that are girls. I have had seasons in my life that this was important to me but honestly I am okay with where I am right now. I am sure when the time is right the Lord will send an Elizabeth friend when I need her. Thank you for sharing and encouraging godly friendships and reminding us of those boundaries.

    Be blessed!

  3. Marie

    At first, I too thought I did not have an Elizabeth in my life, but as I read thru the requirements you posted, I immediately thot of my sister. Thank you for pointing it out! I will regard her differently from now on.

  4. LindaLinda

    What a beautiful devotional Joanne. My Elizabeth is my 85 year old mother. She is all of those things and I am blessed indeed!

  5. LynnLynn

    Wow, Joanne,

    This is a fantastic post and great thoughts about what real friends are and are NOT.

    I have prayed for friends like this. I know many through this amazing online community but recently God sent me one friends who is skin on and in my life every week. Thank you for this wisdom. Hugs.

  6. BP

    I have never thought about Elizabeth in this light. Thank you so much! This is a wonderful post. Good job! My Elizabeth is my Mom and also my sweet friend Steph.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Marsha

    What an excellent post, Paula! Wow!

    I had t o think a minute, and then I realized I do have that in my sister and also a couple of close girlfriends. We do ask each other the tough questions when we talk and challenge one another.

    I love the list you have here. My I copy that?

  8. Ruth Hiebert

    Yes I believe I do have an Elizabeth friend,although I had never thought of her in that way before. My friend Marge is always there for me and models Christ in so many ways.Thank the Lord for her.

  9. Pam

    Great advice. I guess I share with my sister first. I do have another friend that knows the bible really well and when I have those questions I always go to her. I like that you mentioned things we should not allow in a friendship. I had a friend that I really liked to be with , but she was always so negetive, I had to stop being with her. It really drags you down and is not a Godly kind of friendship.

  10. Rocks

    I used to have an “elizabeth” friend/discipler in our church but circumstances separated us. I was badly hurt and I think I am still at the healing process.

    I pray one day God will give me another “elizabeth” in my life.

  11. Willow

    Wow, this is a powerful and thought-provoking post. I have someone I refer to as my BFF but she is not an Elizabeth. I don’t have anyone like an Elizabeth in my life. I pray that God will provide one for me but, even more, that I might be someone else’s Elizabeth.

  12. Marissa J.

    What a wonderful thing to be reminded of… I have an Elizabeth, but I bet she has no idea that she is… I will make sure to share this with her.

    Thank you. This site is a blessing!

  13. eph2810

    Currently I have two women in my life I run to with my issues, prayer requests, joys, sorrows. They both on-line, but they are just as present in my daily life as if they were here in town.
    My prayer is that I am an Elizabeth to someone…

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on true friendship.

  14. Mommy of two little blessings

    Dear Joann,
    Wow! My Elizabeth. I don’t believe I have a female that I go to with excyting news or that I trust to council me in my walk with the Lord at the moment. I have in the past and for that I am very thankful. But for the past three years or so I have really been leaning on my wonderful husband as he is my best friend here on earth and I love to share things with him the most. He encourages me in the Lord, chalanges my thinking, and loves me no matter what. He is my Elizabeth. 🙂 I know you wanted me to give you the name and discription of my BFF, well, there it is.

    Maybe there are others out there just like me who are going through a time when other women don’t have room for yet another Mary in their lives. For everything there is a season, right? 🙂

    Take care and remember to pray always. Blessings, -me- (Mommy of two little blessings)

  15. Mommy of two little blessings

    Dear Joann,
    Wow! My Elizabeth. I don\’t believe I have a female that I go to with excyting news or that I trust to council me in my walk with the Lord at the moment. I have in the past and for that I am very thankful. But for the past three years or so I have really been leaning on my wonderful husband as he is my best friend here on earth and I love to share things with him the most. He encourages me in the Lord, chalanges my thinking, and loves me no matter what. He is my Elizabeth. 🙂 I know you wanted me to give you the name and discription of my BFF, well, there it is.

    Maybe there are others out there just like me who are going through a time when other women don\’t have room for yet another Mary in their lives. For everything there is a season, right? 🙂

    Take care and remember to pray always. Blessings, -me- (Mommy of two little blessings)

  16. Mi

    This is such a wonderful way to look at our friendships. I’m blessed to have a wonderful sister in Christ named Aimee. She is those qualities to me & I’m so thankful for her.