Second Chances…

“What if I made a horrible mistake?” 

“What if I missed God big time with that decision I made?”

I was talking to my sister Stephanie when I asked her those two questions I had been pondering for some time.  She knew the decision I was talking about.  It wasn’t a recent decision and there was no going back and changing it.  However, fast forward to the present and here I was wondering if the decision, that I felt was the right one at the time, had changed the course of my life.

My sister didn’t try to convince me that the decision was the right one or a mistake.  She simply told me that even if it was the wrong decision it’s not the end of the world.  God still gives second chances.   She reminded me that the  even if I had closed a door prematurely the  same God who is able to make a way in the wilderness and create rivers in the desert (Isaiah 43:19) is able to use new avenues to get me to where he wants me to be.

Her words help to lift a weight from my shoulders.  It encouraged me to stop looking back and second guessing my past decisions and to trust that God will bring his plans for my life to past.

If you’re like me and sometimes get caught up in wondering about the past, don’t look back.  God doesn’t want us to be so focused on the past that we forget to appreciate what He is doing in our lives in the present.  Look ahead, God has great things planned for you.  He will complete the work he has began in you if you will continue to trust in Him.

Lord I thank you for blessing me with family and friends who allow you to use them to encourage and uplift me when I have moments of doubt.  




5 thoughts on “Second Chances…

  1. Iris

    Oh, so true, Bernadine. I know that I often second guess my decisions and wonder if I would have made different choices in my past, how my life may have been different.

    However, I trust that God will lead me where He wants me.

  2. Wanda

    Bernadine, I can’t tell you how many times I stalled on making a decision because I feared it was the wrong one. Finally the God impressed it in my heart that He was big enough to handle any wrong choices. He knows how to recalcuate me when I make a wrong turn.

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  4. Susan Kinney

    Greetings Bernadine…we have all struggled with the ‘what if’s’ and it is so refreshing to see that other’s who have struggled can and do succeed in stepping away from that burdensome thinking and move on to victorious and life-filled joy! 😉 I’m pleased that you are trusting Him for today. He is strong enough and compassionate enough too lead us in spite of us!! Praise His name!