It Begins With Prayer

Everything.  Every single thing we do should begin with prayer. 

Now, before you think I’m nuts, I am not talking about asking God to help you pick out a pair of socks.  For crying out loud!  He gave us a brain to decide for ourselves….

What I am talking about is giving our day to Him before it begins…  Deciding at the onset of the day that we will use every opportunity to glorify Him and praise in in everything.

  “Always be joyful. 

Never stop praying. 

Whatever happens, give thanks, because it is God’s will in Christ Jesus that you do this.”  (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 GWT)

The “whatever happens” is where we all get hung up.

This time in 2008 we found it hard to give thanks in “all things”….but we pressed in, and pressed on, and did it regardless.

What happened when we gave thanks?  When we praised?  Our minds left our problems and focused in on God the FatherOUR FATHER.  Who is Soveriegn above all–and HIS decisions can be trusted.

I love to drive down the road with Jesus.  We have the MOST amazing times!   I’m not some super-spiritual-woman-of-God…but I am a woman who loves time with her Lord and Savior….so when I get in the car–it is a purposed act to invite Jesus to be part of my day–especially our “time” in driving.

This act of purposed praise and prayer began several years ago when I would leave the house for work too early for me to even think about getting a Bible out for devotion.  I bought a New Testament on CD–which is totally read by women.  It was like having a few girlfriends along sharing the Word!

I would start the drive off by talking to Jesus.  Praising and praying about the day.  Then I would pop a CD in to hear what He had to say.  Sometimes I would just sing and my sister, Aimee would call me and we would share some tidbits from the Word or from a small devotion book we were reading at the time.

Mostly in my driving, I would pray.  Out loud.  That’s just me–I need to hear with my own ears sometimes what I’m saying to my Father.  I had about an hour drive–and I after struggling with that drive for many years without spending needed time in prayer–I discovered the best part of my day was the drive with Him.  Through the times of silent prayeror out loud prayer–HE WAS THERE.

I found that the more time I spent praying and praising–the better I could handle whatever what thrown my way that day.  If I neglected it…well, you can just imagine how it might have been handled.  Not southern sweet tea style for sure!

Begin with prayer.  In everything.  Every single thing you set out to do–begin with prayer.  You will be amazed at how God will speak to you, through you, and how His very presence will go before you!

What are some things you can change to  give Him MORE?

  • Get up a little earlier, even if it’s just 15 minutes. That habit will grow you–and you will soon find you are getting up even 30 minutes earlier. (Use it for time with Him though, not computer, not laundry, etc.)
  • Pause before your tasks throughout the day and thank Him for the ability to do what you are about to do.
  • Praise Him throughout the day….OUT LOUD.  He loves this!
  • Share Him with another.  Give a sister a hug and tell her that Jesus loves her–so much that HE gave HIS ALL.  He expects no less from us.


Pray the day through…then let’s begin it!



© Angie Knight 2012–The Knightly News. All rights reserved.  Used by permission.


4 thoughts on “It Begins With Prayer

  1. Iris

    Oh, the New Testament read by women?!? That is so cool; especially when it comes on a CD 🙂

    You are right Angie; if I commit my day (thanking Him before my feet hit the ground), my day has a great start.

    Thank you for the reminder to start with Him.

  2. Jarrod @ Optimistic Journey

    Hello Angie! I have “The Bible Experience” Old and New Testament on Audio and I listen to it in my iPod throughout the day and night sometimes. Although, I be sure to not allow that to replace my Personal Time with the Lord.

    But about prayer, I’ve come to find that a peace comes over me when I’m praying to God. It’s like I’m releasing my burdens and cares onto Him and trusting Him to do a mighty work in and through me. I know I can’t do it on my own so everyday, I try to make sure I include Him. When we seek the Lord (pray, study His Word, consult the Lord, etc) in all our ways, He will direct our paths. But we must begin with prayer. Thank you so much for such a great article! God bless you tremendously!

  3. LaurieLaurie Adams

    What a great post Angie…Many of us wouldnt get far if we didnt get a jumpstart in the morning with coffee or breakfast, I dont know why we think we can start without our spiritual jumpstart by spending time with God. Thanks for the helpful hints. 🙂