A Story In the Making

Within each of us is a story of epic proportions. He has written it upon our hearts, to be lived out for His glory.  You don’t have to take my word for it, it’s in His Word.

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”  Ephesians 2:10

Each of us is His workmanship.  The Master Craftsman has hewn his artistry and created us for a specific purpose.

For years, I’ve always thought of myself like a piece of wood being carved, or a lump of clay being molded, even a stone being chiseled into a masterpiece. It wasn’t until my pastor shared the Greek word for workmanship, poiema (pronounced poem-ah), that I realized He has actually written a story for me to live out and share with others.

My story has been uniquely crafted, tailor made just for me.  No one else has my story to tell, it is mine alone to walk through life with and proclaim His greatness.

Sometimes the Lord takes my story and binds it together with other peoples stories, creating a treasured collection of epic stories.

Are there people who have made their way into your life that have profoundly impacted your life’s story?

For me, some of these people have been friendships I’ve made through blogging.  We’ve meet between the lines of posts we’ve written.  We’ve laughed together, cried together, prayed together, shared life’s triumphs and humps.  Our lives have become intertwined to create a treasury of life stories in the making.

Do you know what your unique story is?  He’s set you free to enable you to proclaim it.   He’s filled you with a passion and purpose and He desires that your whole life be an epic story in the making.

There is another story in the making.  On October 23, 24 there is going to be an opportunity for women to come together and meet some of the blog friends that have woven their stories into the fabric of our lives.  We’re coming together in Sneads, FL (the panhandle), to be nourished spiritually, encouraged in living and writing out our life’s story, and sharing it with the world via Internet publishing.

Why not join us?  Several of the writers from Laced With Grace will be leading workshops.  Women like Lynn Donovan, Angie Knight, Joanne Kraft, Tiffany Stuart and myself.  Here’s the web address for the Free To Be Me Retreat.  I’m offering a writing contest and one woman will have her registration fee covered by me.  Could that woman be you?

God has written a unique story for you to live out.  You are free to be who He has created you to be. He doesn’t make junk or write trash.  YOU are an epic story in the making.  Are you ready to turn the next page and see what He has in store for your life?


Marsha’s Musings

12 thoughts on “A Story In the Making

  1. Mary Freeman

    Don’t you just love this – that HE is writing a story with our name on it.
    That we are God’s POEM!!! That our life is so extraordinarily planned by the lover of our souls!! Oh that the excitement and joy there is in knowing this overflows to others. That we are so incredibly loved, wooed, sought, is amazing. What abundant GRACE is extended to us.

    May you have a blessed day!!

  2. Shelby

    Me? A story of epic proportions within me? Marsha, you got me with that first line. I’ve grown so accustomed to thinking of myself as ordinary, humdrum, even less than average in a lot of regards.

    You blew my mind with this!

    I had never considered, not really, that to think of myself so poorly is to think of His work in me as being somehow substandard. Like maybe He goofed a bit when He made me. THANK YOU for righting my attitude because the old saw, while GRAMATICALLY incorrect, is TRUE in its spirit: God don’t make no junk.

  3. Karen

    What beautiful words to read this Monday morning….have the edge of the page between my thumb and forefinger…..ready to turn….I will reflect on this all day….

  4. Debbie

    hmmm. never thought of my life as a story much less an epic. A lump of clay.. yes… with lots of molding left to be done, a block of stone yes, with lots of corners and spots to be chiseled out and rounded off. I always see my life more like a roller coaster ride. Lots of hills and ups and downs. I have also heard of the tapestry thing with me seeing the unfinished parts, the strings hanging out the back and God seeing the finished product. But, this is an eye opener. I want to print this out and think about this all week. Thanks for the new perspective.

  5. Mare


    Beautiful post!!! Oh, yes…a lump of clay, that’s me. He has been working on my mold this past year. At times when things have been difficult, I’ve realized it’s because I have tried to persway Him to mold me the way I see fit. Not gonna happen. He has a plan for me, for all.

    Through His love, patience, and grace…I am slowly becoming all He wants me to be.

  6. Debbie

    I loved reading this post. Yes, we each have our own special story. After all, God doesn’t make junk, right?

    I know that the blog retreat will be so much fun. My life is a bit uncertain right now but if things change, I’d love to attend. What a great idea! I love many of the women you mentioned!

  7. Linda

    Beautiful, encouraging thoughts. I love the portion in Psalms 139 where the Lord says He wrote the story of my life before I lived even one day. I have clung to those verses in recent years.
    Thank you for these uplifting words.

  8. LynnLynn


    You always have words that fill my heart. Our stories are indeed epic and so many people just don’t know their is too…

    Thank you… Can’t wait to see you. Finalizing my flight today. Thurs thru Sunday. See you soon. well at least in a few months. Hugs.