



My beloved spoke and said to me, “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me.”

Song of Solomon 2:10

I giggled as I turned my car east on Interstate 10.  Me!  All alone!  Eloping with God!  I am a wife, and homeschooling mom of 3.  I seldom have five consecutive minutes to call my own.  And now!  Now, I was off on a God-sized adventure. A time to come aside with Him.  To pray.  To study at my leisure.  To take in His beautiful handiwork and snap photos.  My time.  Alone with God. To write.

I’m not going to lie.  The first day I just sat and giggled. I felt positively…naughty!  I talked out loud.  I journaled.  Deep, profound stuff, like:  “Here I sit with you, Lord, staring at the sunrise, and I do not even know how to conduct myself.”

In those rare moments alone with my Lord, I felt so still, centered and rested.  Such a welcome reprieve from my usual hectic, stress-filled, social worker life.  I sat and pondered, how can I bottle this and take it back to civilization?  I love my family, my friends, my home.  But my life pace is adverse to real peace.  How I long to have a life where I can hear His still, small voice throughout the day!  How I would dearly adore undesignated time to study the Bible to my heart’s content!  But, alas, for now my life is how it is.  And I must find a way to come aside with him-right here.  Smack dab in the middle of family, bills, cleaning, clients, ministry and writing.

Do you, too, long for a slower pace where you can walk in uninterrupted peace and tranquility?  Join me as I endeavor to find Him in even the hectic everydayness which is my life!

Dear Lord, my heart longs for you!  Help me to know my limitations.  To make my schedule with wisdom and right priorities.  Help you-and-me time become commonplace, and not a rarity.  Fill me with your peace, your rest, and your quiet.  Anoint me to be the voice of peace and steadfastness in a world gone wild.  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.


© Sherri Evans Ministries 2015. All rights reserved. Used by permission.  For booking schedule and information: sherrievans@sherrievansministries.com

4 thoughts on “Absconded!

  1. Marsha Harwood

    Love this, Sherri! I truly think we are kindred spirits. I’m praying God brings us together somehow here on earth. Don’t know that we’ll need cameras in heaven. 😉

    As for retreats, that’s a passion near and dear to my heart. We’re actually getting ready to start a retreat ministry here at our ministry house. I’m writing materials now.

    1. Sherri EvansSherri Evans Post author

      That is so awesome, Marsha! I would love to meet you and see your retreat some time. If you ever need a retreat speaker (or attender) let me know! Will you open up to groups?