The Layers of Our Day

When our children were younger there were several times when we made an adventure out of giving them gifts.  One Christmas in particular, we gave our son a guitar.  Under the tree there was a medium-sized box with his name on it.  It was beautifully wrapped with shiny Christmas paper…

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Wiser than I

Worry. We all have done it. None of us like it. It seems to be one of those nagging constants in life that we can’t get rid of. If you are anything like I am, over the years you may have worried about your living situation, your job, family, health, salvation…

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God Never Sends Junk Mail

If your e-mail inbox is anything like mine, it can become inundated with junk mail! Even the traditional mail I receive is most often ads and offers that I have no interest in. Much of the spam promises quick fixes to money woes, easy solutions to beauty flaws and more!…

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Our Purpose

If you are anything like I am, you may wonder what your purpose is.  Does God have a plan for my life…some way in particular He wants to use me to bring Him glory?  Trying to narrow down our purpose to something tangible and clear may feel like a daunting…

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The Dance with My Father

I learned to love dancing at an early age. Both of my parents were avid dancers and I would accompany them on many of their outings. Under the guidance of my father, one of the first things I learned was to allow him to lead. I learned to be attuned…

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